Embed twitter problems


Should I be able to embed a tweet so that the associated video plays in the tiddler, like an embedded Youtube video will play?

It doesn’t work if I copy and paste this code SpaceX

Is something else required as well?


Hi @Jon Twitter embeds do not work directly in TiddlyWiki. Instead you can use the core Twitter Embedding plugin ($:/plugins/tiddlywiki/twitter). It is available in the official core plugin library.

It is pre-installed in the wiki https://tiddlywiki.com/editions/full/ (documentation here) where you can experiment by creating a new tiddler with the following content:

<$twitter type="tweet" tweetID="1647655398957268992"/>

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Hi Jeremy,

I got that to work (and found that the tweetID is contained when the Copy video address is pasted [and also just in the url], so I put this at the top of the tiddler and the ‘Copy Code’ from the embed tweet underneath)

Correction - the tweet ID is all that’s needed

Many thanks!