EditCompText suggestion location

I use EditCompText.

When I am in the body of a tiddler, and I use [[ autocomplete trigger, it correctly positions the suggestions near the cursor. All is well.

But when I am in a field and when I use ‘[[’ autocomplete trigger, the suggestions are shown near the title! That is inconvenient.

Is there a way I can get these suggestions near the cursor, just like I get them when I am in the body?

Hi, this is likely related to how popup window position is computed.
(see How to adjust the placement of the popup for editcomptext plugin for in depth information)

First, in my version of TW, I cannot trigger EditCompText from a field, so I am surprised (in a good way).
Second, as said in the linked post, EditCompText is currently developped to work from the body. Using it in a Field is thus likely to get unusual effect. Sorry.
I might find the time to code a newer, more robust EditComp… I’m thinking about it.

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