Drawing on top of a transcluded image?

I’ve imported some maps for a game that I play as a way of planning strategies for a group of friends, and using SVG’s to represent the different utilities the game characters can use, see ref img below for what I’ve just thrown together as an experiment;

I wanted to know, is there a way to draw on top like you could the base image? I don’t want to edit the base image itself, but rather I would like to have the ability to draw on top and if I’m not satisfied with it, I can simply close without saving tiddler changes, or erase if that’s possible.

I plan on turning the circle and map into macros for reuse, for context. Just wanted to know if this was a possibility, because if it isn’t I’d likely have to use an svg maker to just draw the lines and import them in, which could be a bit of a hassle…

Not quite what you’re seeking, but @linonetwo’s whiteboard plugin allows you to import an image, and then draw around and on top of it…

(I also imagine that you could rig something where an image is underlaid as the background-image of a tiddler, so that your image with transparency ends up layering above it… Perhaps it would be challenging to achieve confidence with the alignment details, though.)

There wouldn’t happen to be a way to transclude a tiddler image into different whiteboards, would there?
because I could just use the plugins shaps and arrows instead of svg’s if that is the case. I’m mainly trying to avoid keeping multiples of images to cut down on the size of the TW

Nevermind! found out this can be done with the sticky option, just managed to miss that when reading the demo site :sweat_smile:

This works!

I think @twMat also has developed a tool to draw on top of images! but forgot the name of tool.

I haven’t used it yet but I was going to use tiddlymap. You could use the map as the background and then create tiles with icons that you can move around. The map example gave me the idea - it takes a few seconds to load. I think it will be very useful to have a map with a grid as the background then put player tiles on it and move them around. Or just use a grid as the background.

There has been thread relating to background images for tiddlers, you could introduce the image via a class field on a given tiddler.

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That would be pretty handy for D&D, If there wasn’t a background for the sitckys in whiteboard I feel like that could be done in it as well, using png’s of mini’s that is.

Is there a method of storing the base64 of an imported image in a field rather than taking up the text field?

I know that isn’t directly related to setting it as the bg of a tiddler, but it brought it to mind.

As I understand it, but have not done,

The mime type or type field is applied to a tiddler, you would use the text field in an image tiddler, but apply the image via a class field. So one or more tiddlers can use the same image tiddler as background and only have the class for the background in the class field.

I’m not entirely sure how to go about doing that.

It is a good idea to quote or reply to a specific comment of someone when you reply, does the above statement apply to my suggestions or @digitalap3 on TiddlyMap?

Sorry about that, yes I was referring to the comment just above that one