Drag drop hierarchy of tiddler titles - prior art?

Folks, It dawned on me how easy it would be to list tiddlers in a flat list and allow the titles to be dragged and dropped on other titles to arrange/rearrange them in a hierarchy. Thus any title would also permit another title being dropped on it.

I need to build something similar to help people arrange menus and website components so plan to build it. But I post here to seek info about any existing solutions or methods.

One idea is to alter the list item template on titles listed by various means including the TOC macros to enable this. This would quickly extend the titles on which this feature can be used.

Any thoughts?

see https://tiddlytools.com/InsideTW/#TiddlyTools%2FTOC%2FMacros

Search for “toc-item-drag” and “toc-item-drop” to find the relevant pieces of code.


Thanks Eric, you have a great resource there Inside TiddlyWiki — A Guide for Users, Authors, Designers and Developers but the search needs to be more obvious, as I have not visited for a while I have forgotten how/where to search.

[Edited] Got it “Search This Book” Snag_26906aaf

But no results for your suggested search strings. :frowning:

“Search this book” only searches in “book content” tiddlers. To search all non-shadow tiddlers, first enable “author” mode by clicking the “lock/unlock” button in the upper right topbar. Then you can use the “advanced search” button in the upper right topbar.

In any event, when I wrote

Search for “toc-item-drag” and “toc-item-drop” to find the relevant pieces of code.

I didn’t mean “search for tiddlers”… I meant that you should view the source of the TiddlyTools/TOC/Macros tiddler and use the browser’s “find” function (ctrl-F) to locate instances of “toc-item-drag” and “toc-item-drop” within that content.


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