thanks… so it was a misunderstanding… but still i don´t want to ask for one hour of your time if it is not also in your sense and interested
my code is very simple
from a given KanBan i list all Columns by
<<list-links-draggable tiddler:"TIDDLER-WITH-LIST-OF COLUMNS">>
and each Column with its items with
<<list-links-draggable tiddler:"TIDDLER-WITH-LIST-OF-ITEMS-OF-EACH-COLUMN">>
in one tiddler.
if the Titles of Tiddlers are displayed as Links - new created Tiddlers can be also added into this lists by drag and drop very easy. So new Columns and new items can be managed as well - this is all really great so fare.
The only thing which has to be done “my hand” is to add a new line of code for every added column –
and the order of Columns in this Tildder is not adapted
so this is the only thing which is not perfect at the moment