Does anybody understand this glitch when dragging?

Hi all, in my multi-columns layout I’ve found a strange glitch when dragging tiddlers which are in edit-mode.

In that case, the dragImage is too wide. Does anybody of you understand the cause of this?

Thank you!

That is odd. It doesn’t happen on Chrome if the window is wide enough, only when I make it narrower. I cannot reproduce it on Firefox at all.

Thanks @saqimtiaz , yes now I’ve also seen that it doesn’t occur on FireFox. I just tested it. Seems to be a chrome glitch. I’ll test on Edge

I can reproduce it on Chrome 100/Win10. It seems the dragged tiddler in edit mode + the tiddler in the right column is dragged (dragImage)

See the screencast


Thank you @saqimtiaz and @Mohammad

The fact that this occurs only with the EditTemplate made me think that it must be some css issue, or something that can be resolved by css

Or the tiddler controls that float right or the “add” button of the fields or the “delete” button of the tiddler type

Any ideas?

Best wishes,

Ok, now I’ve found the culprit … it’s the text-editor

This happens only with the codemirror text editor so I’ll have to investigate