Documenting TW ( upgraded and with two new entries

is now upgraded to TiddlyWiki version 5.3.1, and has the following two entries:

  • Custom tag pill macros with custom colors

  • Only show custom viewtemplate for tiddlers with certain tags


Hi Dave
Thank you for all you efforts.

This is wonderful. In your new $:/.g/pilly you can change tag-pill-styles to

\define tag-pill-styles() background-color:$(background)$; fill:$(color)$; color:$(color)$; cursor: auto;

to have the correct style for cursor.

And like Tobias Beer, lets use a shorter name for your template like tp or taggy

@DaveGifford thanks!

Have you considered listing all your entries individually on This would make your collection searchable though links.

If it’s of help to you, I have found a semi-automated way of creating the individual links from my It could surely be more automated or elegant, but it works good for me. The workflow whenever I add or update something in my collection:

  1. Go to this tiddler and click the button to copy JSON data to clipboard. The data is generated here.
  2. Save the data in a .json file on my PC.
  3. Import the .json file in (the one indexed by links), overwrite existing tiddlers.

The JSON generator tiddler constructs tiddlers as required by links, with the right contents of the right fields.
You would need to have short inline descriptions of the entries somewhere in a structured place like a field.

I appreciate your steps, @vilc, but I don’t plan to do this.

Thanks @atronoush , I updated the cursor bit at

These instructions are to remind me how to do things. And I have my set up already. So I don’t plan to change it. But feel free to adapt to your liking!

I just wanted to say thank you for all your contributions to the TW community, @DaveGifford! Curating and collating is such important work, and it’s always incredibly appreciated. I’ve discovered so many useful tips from your collections, often things I didn’t even know I was looking for (and your toolmap Dynalist was my best friend when I was starting out!)

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Thanks for the kind words, @etardiff !