Documentation of which palette items edit text widgets use by default?

I’ve noticed that the text for a regular edit text box and one with the type set to number are showing different colors for their text. Neither text box has a custom class or style assigned to it, meaning these are pulling their color values from two different palette values. Ive tried setting every entry in my current palette that was black to a bright color to narrow down what the number edit text was using but didn’t find it. Anyone know what value the number type text edit uses by default, and/or if any documentation of this exists somewhere?

In the shadow tiddler $:/themes/tiddlywiki/vanilla/base, you will find this CSS rule:

input:not([type]) {
	color: <<colour foreground>>;
	background: <<colour background>>;

Thus, a “regular edit text box” uses the foreground and background colors from the currently selected palette. However, note that the above CSS rule does not include input[type=number]. As a result, those text boxes use whatever is the default colors as determined by your browser/platform.

To make number input fields use the same colors as “regular” text input fields, you can create a tiddler (e.g., “MyStyles”, tagged with $:/tags/Stylesheet, containing:

input[type=number] {
	color:<<colour foreground>>;
	background:<<colour background>>;


For some reason, that doesn’t work. It looks like it should, but it doesn’t