Editable tiddler. The content below the line is intended to become a PR. Please help author it!
Hypothetical pleb: “Ho hum … I heard TiddleWiddle is supposed to be good but when I visit https://tiddlywiki.com , I can’t really see any listing of its features. What does it DO?”
There is a tiddler titled Features, found under sidebar > Contents > Features… but this list is clearly not curated, starting with “AlertMechanism, Audio, AutoSave, …”.
I propose that current haphazard “Features” tiddler is renamed into something else (Any suggestions?) and that the title “Features” instead is given to a tiddler that deserves such an important title. “Features” is probably the most obvious term that a visitor uses when wondering what TW actually can do. It should be a default tiddler at tw.com
…and it should contain something like the following list (please come with input).
Note: for the list, do propose better categorizations and formulations but the purpose is not that the list should be formally correct but instead that the visitor should get a good sense of what “functionality” TW has. Obviously, most items would be links for more details.
title: Features
TiddlyWiki serves a wide set of features so solve specific needs and to create special solutions:
- Plain text and [[markup text|WikiText]] editing
- Wiki coding, including [[macros|Macros]]
- [[Tagging]], [[hyperlinking|TiddlerLinks]] and [[transclusions|Transclusion]]
- Automatic [[list aggregation|Introduction to Lists]], e.g checklists
- [[Image|Images in WikiText]] handling and (rudimentary) image editing
- Video and [[audio|Audio]] embed
- [[Mathematical|Mathematics Operators]] functions
- [[Journaling|Creating journal tiddlers]], alerts and date handling
- [[Encryption|Encryption]]
- Multi-language
- Theme and styling options
- Integration with Node.js, … (?)
- “total modifyability” - this main feature of TiddlyWiki lets you fundamentally reshape TiddlyWiki itself to your needs
- much more - many more features via a very large selection of plugins