Display all tiddlers sorted by size from largest

Hi, please, is there some way to display table of all tiddlers sorted by size from largest first? I didnt find field with size of tiddlers for sorting list or table of tiddlers. But I mean that field must exists, because for example PluginSize plugin displays sizes of plugins.

Any suggestion?

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That field does not exist. But just the other day, this thread was posted which you can probably use:


Try this:

  • Enter or select a filter to get a list of tiddlers
  • Then, from the “sort by” droplist, select “size - large to small”

TiddlyTools/Search/Filters uses the following macro to calculate the size of each tiddler in the list:

\define filters_size()


  • <currentTiddler>fields[] gets the names of all the fields in the current tiddler
  • :map[...] gets the length of each field value
  • <currentTiddler>fields[]length[] gets the length of each field name
  • +[sum[]] totals all the individual lengths to give the total size of the current tiddler

To get the total size of the entire set of tiddlers, use

{{{ [subfilter<filt>] :map[subfilter<filters_size>] +[sum[]] }}}


  • <filt> is a variable containing the filter syntax you used to find the set of tiddler titles
  • :map[...] applies the previous filters_size filter to get the size of each tiddler
  • +sum[]] totals up all the individual tiddler sizes
