I have need to host several tiddlywikis. I do this on my own website via subdomains and proxying to locally (on my LAN) hosted wikis. The behavior on the LAN does not match behavior on my WAN. No wiki has a “+” button to create a new tiddler when connecting via local IP and I can not save any changes, but they work fine when accessing through my Nginx server proxy on the WAN.
My normal process for creating a new wiki is:
0 - Start from user’s home directory
tiddlywiki [NEW_WIKI_NAME] --init server
- Edit my
scripts which include:screen -S tiddly-[NEW_WIKI_NAME] -dm tiddlywiki [NEW_WIKI_NAME] --listen host=[LOCAL_MACHINE_IP] port=[PORT]"readers=(anon)" writers=[USER] username=[USER] password=[PASS]
- Test to ensure wiki works locally
- Edit my
to add the proxy on a subdomain
sites-enabled\domain config server { root /var/www/html/[DOMAIN]; index index.php index.html ind - Pastebin.com