Desert Island TiddlyWikis

UK radio has a long tradition (since 1946) of Desert Island Discs (example Yo-Yo Ma).

Converting this for Tiddlywiki, you are stranded on a remote desert, deserted, island.

You have to select …

  1. … eight TiddlyWikis you’d really want if stranded on a desert island without a net connection

  2. … one book you want to have

  3. … one luxury item (of any kind)

  4. … of the eight TiddlyWikis you have to select one you can’t live without

What would you answer?




All my WIP book wikis (=5) + 5.2.1.empty.html.

Robinson Crusoe

A laptop (obv).



That’s cheating! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Its a good question… I’ll have to put my pondering hat on!

Is this the kind of Island you want to stay on, or the kind you want to get off (like “The Prisoner”). It’s good to know if you’re packing for the long haul or going survivalist.

Maybe a boat.

Could be either. Paradise isolation or torturous duration. Depends on the type of island and the type of person, I guess.

Lol! My luxury would be dental floss.

Ha! I have written extensively about Crusoe. The original book is a landmark in English literature. It is the root source of the modern “self-reflective” novel.

@TiddlyTweeter Don’t think you’re getting off so easily…

  • … eight FONTS you’d really want if stranded on a desert island WITH a 1980s Word Processor
  • … one MOVIE screenplay you want to rewrite
  • … one BATHROOM item (of any kind)
  • … of the eight fonts, select one you can’t TYPE without

<tittering>… :wink:

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  1. My own wikis + copy of latest (my wikis - project, Blog to self, TW5 reference, TW5 resources and plugins and two book idea wikis I have.
  2. Has it being written yet? perhaps I can write it with 1.
  3. Nespresso machine and plenty of pods
  4. Empty is enough but latest because it can generate all others
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Way back I used CPM operating system with Locoscript WP. It was actually rather dot-matrix good. I think it had more than one font, though I couldn’t say what they were.

In the Desert Island experiment now I should have mentioned everyone would get a standard Windows large tablet and all its fonts. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


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Ah. Are you yearning for a island so you can complete your opus uninterrupted? :smiley:

Right. Very true that it is incredibly rich!


How did you guess?

Australia is an island, and has deserts, but reality demands I earn an income :unamused:

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Right. Knowing where to start matters.