Ok, in this case the current functionality is sufficient. I think this information should be more apparent, without it I felt kind of lost after skipping intro, not knowing that username is not necessary and the token will be asked for when needed. I don’t have an idea where to put it though, so that it’s easily accessible for “recurrent users” that may want to skip the intro, but not overwhelm new users that go through it.
The first simplest idea I had was the original round favicon, but with a different color, e.g. green (as in active PR) or grey (as in draft PR). Different color versions of this favicon are already in use by various TW sites, e.g. prerelease (black), dev (orange), community (turquoise), I don’t know if using one with another color for PR would make things clearer or more confusing.
Here is a quick draft of my second idea:
This would have some design similarity to the TW favicon (round background, white symbol in the lower portion, clipped by the lower margin). Some minor adjustments would be due of course, e.g. thicker lines for better readability at small sizes.