DelphesNotes: Another TiddlyWiki Starter Edition

Hello TW Community,

I would like to share another TiddlyWiki Starter Edition for desktop users:

DelphesNotes editions extend TiddlyWiki empty edition with additional features:

  • Pre-installed set of official and community plugins like MenuBar, Relink, Trashbin, WhiteList, AutoList , …
  • Different community plugins library pre-configured to easily extend your edition
  • A top menu bar pre-installed with different menus: content, favorites, open, configuration
  • A fixed size sidebar with additional items inside
  • Improved search results
  • Additional tools to navigate in the notes (breadcrumbs, information on missing notes and tags) and in the system part
  • Modified default visibility values for the different toolbars
  • Additional theme tweaks
  • Lighter saved files (do not save “temp” elements and do not include all the system elements in the no-script page)

Some of these features are also available as individual plugins previously unpublished.




Well organised, especially the packaging of customisations into plugins which makes it a lot easier to maintain an edition over time.

Note that there is a newer version of the Editor AutoList plugin:


Very interesting. I see also several Delphes plugins :wink:
Great job! Thank you for sharing.

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Wow this is so cool ! I love the “Click to hide or display sidebar content” feature, and all the other nifty feature of this edition :smiley:

Thank you for your supportive messages.

@saqimtiaz - I have upgraded your plugin.
By the way, your plugin sandbox site is really clean and nice looking.

@telumire - the hide / display part is derived from a @DaveGifford feature



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It’s really nice. I’m interested in something like this to make available on Tiddlyhost. It could be an option when creating a new site.

A few notes/comments:

  • I wasn’t able to figure out how the “Favorites” plugin works. “Drop a note here…” is the instruction but I have no clue how to do that. How do you drop a note?
  • It would be nice if all the Pallettes had a color specitied for the top menu. The palettes that do set it look great. The ones that use the default color look a bit jarring. It’s not a simple fix I guess, but perhaps an upstream change to the palette definitions with a suitable explanation would be accepted.

Otherwise, I really like your choices for the menu. The “About” menu with it’s useful links for new users is particularly good.

How do you maintain DelphesNotes? Do you have a GitHub repo, or do you just update it directly? Is there an official distribution of an empty file, perhaps with a version number?

In effect this is dragging a “tiddlers title” to the favourites area add that title to the list of favourite’s. This can by turning on “display tiddler titles as links”.

Ah, thanks. I found the “Display tiddler titles as links” and now it makes sense. Maybe that should be switched on by default when the Favorites plugin is installed.

Hello simon,

Thank you for you comments and questions.

Regarding your points:

  • About favorites, they are different ways to add a tiddler/note to the favorite list
    ** With the heart icon in the tiddler toolbar
    ** By dragging and dropping an item in a sidebar list
    ** Dragging and dropping an element from the breadcrumbs list or as mentioned by TW_Tones dragging a title link if the right option is activated
    ** I will improve documentation and titlle as link activation in next release of the plugin
  • For the top menu: the color to add/change in the palette are menubar-foreground (currently missing, to be added) and menubar-background

Regarding the maintaining question, this edition is an extract of a work in progress based on my daily use of TiddlyWiki. I extract a “clean” version using export definition in $:/plugins/eskha/DelphesNotes/install/LightEditionContent
All plugins have a version number but I have not set a version number for the full edition. Any though on where it would be the most appropriate for this?
Regarding a GitHub repo, this would be an option if I had some help to setup a simple worflow in order to update it directly from my TiddlyWiki (as it was done for TiddlyWiki site documentation change proposal).
Current channel for official distribution is through TiddlyHost.

