Cycling74 Max8.5.5 > RNBO

Cycling74 MaxMsp Jitter Gen is a pioneering music and media data flow programming system, language, community and design philosophy for eternal learner experimter artist geek engineers and adepts in zen of tinkering

Since 1992(?) It’s been part of life and influence even when I’m not actually using it, or trying too!

The big news is a new development branch called rnbo

It launched last year
But just very recently, upgrades bundle it in ways that make some people want to toast some good news.

Licensing is curious. I don’t quite get it yet…

rnbo lets one export Max8 applications and functionality to an interesting set of platforms >> Ableton Live, nodejs, Raspberry pi, guitar-effects pedals and more

There are some very intersting parallels between Max8.5 and TW5.3

And it might possible to include max8 via rnbo in TW
Or vice versa !?!

I suspect the two could world brilliantly together

I’ll post :postal_horn: :musical_keyboard: :fountain_pen: in due course

/// Blown away (happily) by the energy and level of detail which unfolds in this Talk forum

Cycling74 documentation is good

But there are some wonder teacher-artists on YouTube. Wishing TW had some like these…

“Hearing Glass” videos are exemplary
