Curious Observation in read only windows help file

FYI: Just fooling around I found I could embed HTML in to Windows Help files using “HTML help workshop”. And yes we can embed as an example.

Unfortunately the file with a chm can’t be uploaded here.

  • It reports running in Internet Explorer 7.0 So I am looking for a new edge version
  • You can load, save and reload
  • You could include various editions in the same chm file
  • It would be interesting to see if we can get it to save without the download saver
  • We may be able to include a live internet site rather than the html
  • We may be able to populate the index into one or more wikis and tiddlers with permalinks.

Some may ask why bother?

For me this is just a random research walk through the possibilities of packaging one or more standalone and online tiddlywiki’s for distribution as a package, at least on Windows.

Have you other ideas for distribution?

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I’m not sure this file format is a good idea to continue using. It sounds like it has a lot of vulnerabilities compared to just a static HTML file Microsoft help file vulnerability could increase impact of phishing attack for all Windows users - Comparitech.

What is your use case that CHM files would solve where static HTML wouldn’t? If it is having a single file Tiddlywiki without downloading a new file each time, I created a native saver plugin slaymaker1907’s TiddlyWiki Plugins — a non-linear personal web notebook. I’d also recommend checking out TiddlyDesktop.

IE11 is losing support this year (by Microsoft) so the first point seems very relevant. I’m surprised IE7 (or something claiming to be IE7) is still shipped with Windows.

For bundling multiple editions together, you could look at mhtml. It seems more widely supported across various platforms. Apparently, the format just encodes resources using data URIs so you could use the same trick for different editions of Tiddlywiki.

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