CSS issue with transclusion inside a <div> overflowing

Hello there!

I’m building a little system of popup helpers to display in various parts of my TW. For that, I’ve written the following procedure:

\procedure help-popup(contentTiddler)
<$hover popup="$:/temp/popupstate">{{$:/core/images/help}}</$hover><$reveal type="popup" state="$:/temp/popupstate">
<div class="tc-drop-down" style="padding: 8px; max-width: 300px; height: auto;">
<$transclude $tiddler=<<contentTiddler>> $mode="block"/>

(the hover widget comes from the plugin by Andreas Hahn, and behaves excactly like the <$button> widget, except that it triggers the action when hovered over)

I’m having overflow on the transcluded content, but I don’t why, since I believe the

should just adjust its height to fit around the text…

Can anybody point me to the mistake I’m no doubt making here?

Try adding white-space:normal; to the inline style="..." you use for the tc-drop-down DIV.


That works! Thanks @EricShulman !