Css for codemirror-6

Hello Forum,

how do I have access to the used classes / colors within codemirror-6?
The mentioned colors in Colors are not listed in my TW palette manager.

(see also Need help to set color of marked/selected text in CodeMirror)

I’d like to change the color of (blinking) cursor and of curled brackets (different color, no border…)

and the the pulldown (background, border…):
(using F12 → click within → pulldown disappears)


Hi @StS

The codemirror 6 plugin uses its <<colour-extend>> macro, not the core <<colour>> macro.
The reason why is, that the CSS classes used in the editor are not defined in the various core palettes.

But don’t worry, the <<colour-extend>> macro has you covered:

  • it looks for a tiddler name that starts with the used palette (like $:/palettes/Twilight) and the suffix /extend - so it would be $:/palettes/Twilight/extend
  • set the type of that tiddler to application/x-tiddler-dictionary
  • in that tiddler, define colors for the classes you find in the Colors tiddler

Tell me if you need more styling options, then I will expose them

Hi @BurningTreeC,
thanks for feedback.

I see - but the style of cursor and the curled brackets aro not in the used patette (like $:/palettes/Twilight) and than also not in the $:/palettes/Twilight/extend.

How do I adress this one?

I’ll add them @StS

Within 20 minutes :wink:

Hi @StS

An updated version is online

Do the following:

  • clone the tiddler $:/palettes/Vanilla/extend
  • rename it to $:/palettes/Twilight/extend
  • change the colors of cm-caret-colour and cm-matching-bracket-outline
  • cm-matching-bracket-outline can also be transparent - if you want that

Hi @BurningTreeC,

thanks - I got it.

And how can I style the cursor (more bright and thick/heavy)?


Hi @StS

you’ll need to add a new Stylesheet tiddler for that:

.cm-cursor, .cm-dropCursor {
	border-left: 3px solid !important;
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Thanks a lot - perfect! :+1:

Hi @BurningTreeC,

what font is used in codemirror-6?

The output of the cm-tooltip in the pulldown has fifferent font:grafik

Any idea?


Oh, good catch @StS

the tooltip probably uses monospace
I will change its CSS so that it matches the font of the editor!

@StS - for now you can just add some CSS:

.cm-tooltip-autocomplete, .cm-tooltip-autocomplete > ul > li {
	font-family: {{$:/themes/tiddlywiki/vanilla/settings/editorfontfamily}} !important;

Perfect - thanks a lot!

→ Edit:
this generates an additional scrollbar

Oh, ok @StS - I will have a look at the additional scrollbar

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could you please test if it works correctly if you add the following styles INSTEAD of the ones I posted?

.cm-tooltip-autocomplete > ul > li {
	font-family: {{$:/themes/tiddlywiki/vanilla/settings/editorfontfamily}} !important;
	overflow: hidden;


now it is perfect - thanks again!

Hi @BurningTreeC,

where is the fish configured and how can that be changed / styled?


Thanks, Stefan

Hi @StS

I’ll change this configuration, maybe I’ll make it configurable

Best wishes,

Hello @BurningTreeC,

what is the correct parameter to set the color/background-color for the hover-effect working with the mouse?

Selection with the keyboard is working fine:

Thanks, Stefan

Hello @StS

use the following in a stylesheet tiddler:

.cm-tooltip-autocomplete > ul > li:hover {
	background-color: <<colour-extend cm-tooltip-selected-background>> !important;
	color: <<colour-extend cm-tooltip-selected-foreground>> !important;

Thanks, @BurningTreeC - perfect!