CSS Container Query: Opportunities for TiddlyWiki

Container queries land in stable browsers

Container queries land in stable browsers (web.dev)

I think this opens a lot of opportunities for Tiddlywiki.
For example, I think it is quite simple to have a larger font when the tiddler width increases like when you close the sidebar.

Now in Tamsha (a slideshow plugin from kookma library), it is simpler to have responsive typography and so one can use TiddlyWiki for a talk on a big screen in a conference.

What do you think?

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I looks like it may be useful to tiddlywiki. If you think about the default layout it has a number of different container’s, and in one of them, tiddlers, we tend to place others.

  • I think a good way to support container queries being used in tiddlywiki would be to document the relevant default containers and how to reference them.