I entered the following prompt to piasso.xyz
write a moodle-plugin that allows to upload a TiddlyWiki-file via form or drag and drop, then allow to open the TiddlyWiki in an IFrame or in Fullscreen mode and to save the edits made in the file based on bidix’ store.php file and the rights the user has in moodle
Could this work or is this just a halucination?
* This Moodle plugin allows users to upload a TiddlyWiki file and view it in
* an IFrame or Fullscreen mode. Users can also edit the file and save their changes.
* The plugin uses bidix's store.php file to save edits and relies on Moodle's
* user permissions to determine whether the user has the right to edit the file.
// Define plugin capabilities.
$capabilities = array(
'local/tiddlywiki:upload' => array(
'captype' => 'write',
'contextlevel' => CONTEXT_SYSTEM,
'archetypes' => array(
'user' => CAP_ALLOW
'local/tiddlywiki:edit' => array(
'captype' => 'write',
'contextlevel' => CONTEXT_SYSTEM,
'archetypes' => array(
'user' => CAP_ALLOW
// Register capabilities with Moodle.
foreach ($capabilities as $capability => $value) {
$DB->insert_record('capabilities', (object) array(
'name' => $capability,
'capability' => $capability,
'description' => '',
'archetype' => 'user',
'contextlevel' => $value['contextlevel'],
'component' => 'local_tiddlywiki'
// Define plugin functions for uploading and viewing TiddlyWiki files.
function tiddlywiki_upload($courseid, $file) {
// Check if user has upload capability.
if (!has_capability('local/tiddlywiki:upload', context_system::instance())) {
throw new moodle_exception('nopermission', 'error', '', get_string('nopermission'));
// Save uploaded file to Moodle data directory.
$fs = get_file_storage();
$context = context_system::instance();
$file = $fs->create_file_from_pathname(array(
'contextid' => $context->id,
'component' => 'local_tiddlywiki',
'filearea' => 'tiddlywikis',
'itemid' => $courseid
), $file);
// Return path of saved file.
return $file->get_filepath();
function tiddlywiki_view($courseid, $path, $fullscreen = false) {
// Check if user has view capability.
if (!has_capability('moodle/course:view', context_course::instance($courseid))) {
throw new moodle_exception('nopermission', 'error', '', get_string('nopermission'));
// Build HTML for IFrame or fullscreen view.
if ($fullscreen) {
$html = "<html><head><title>TiddlyWiki</title></head><body><div id='wrapper'><embed src='$path' type='application/octet-stream' width='100%' height='100%'/></div></body></html>";
} else {
$html = "<html><head><title>TiddlyWiki</title></head><body><div id='wrapper'><iframe src='$path' width='100%' height='100%' frameborder='0'></iframe></div></body></html>";
// Print HTML and exit.
echo $html;
// Define plugin function for saving TiddlyWiki edits.
function tiddlywiki_save($courseid, $path, $params) {
// Check if user has edit capability.
if (!has_capability('local/tiddlywiki:edit', context_system::instance())) {
throw new moodle_exception('nopermission', 'error', '', get_string('nopermission'));
// Get contents of TiddlyWiki file.
$fs = get_file_storage();
$context = context_system::instance();
$file = $fs->get_file($context->id, 'local_tiddlywiki', 'tiddlywikis', $courseid, '/', $path);
$contents = $file->get_content();
// Apply changes based on params.
$changes = json_decode($params['changes'], true);
foreach ($changes as $change) {
$contents = str_replace($change['original'], $change['modified'], $contents);
// Save updated contents to bidix's store.php file.
$params['contents'] = $contents;
$params['ts'] = time();
$store = new store();
piasso explans:
The above code is a PHP script that defines a Moodle plugin that allows users to upload and view TiddlyWiki files in Moodle. The plugin also allows users to edit the file and save their changes based on bidix’s store.php file.
- The plugin first defines the capabilities required for uploading and editing TiddlyWiki files, before registering them with Moodle. The tiddlywiki_upload() function handles the file upload process and saves the uploaded file to Moodle’s data directory.
- The tiddlywiki_view() function allows users to view the uploaded file in an IFrame or fullscreen mode, depending on the fullscreen parameter.
- The tiddlywiki_save() function handles the file editing process and saves the changes made by the user to bidix’s store.php file.
To integrate this plugin to Moodle, you will need to perform the following steps:
- Copy the code to a new file and save it as pluginname.php in the /local/tiddlywiki directory of your Moodle instance.
- Create a new directory called tiddlywikis in the /moodledata directory of your Moodle instance.
- Update the capability names and descriptions to match your specific use case, if necessary.
- Add language strings for the plugin in the appropriate language files (/lang/en/local_tiddlywiki.php for English, for example).
- Use the Moodle plug-in installation process to install the plugin (Administration > Site administration > Plugins > Install plugins).
- Once the plugin is installed, activate it by going to Administration > Site administration > Plugins > Local plugins > Manage local plugins and enabling the TiddlyWiki plugin.
- You can now use the plugin by either programmatically calling its functions or through a user interface (e.g. a new block or a new activity).
Note that the above code is just a starting point, and you will need to implement additional functionality and testing to fully integrate this plugin with Moodle.