Creating a table based on multiple list fields?

Hi! I’m new to TW but I’m looking to set up some relatively simple things.

I’d like some help in making a tabular glossary of abbreviated terms based on two list fields: “shorthands” and “meanings”, both of which currently have two items: “Tidwi” and “QoL”. Attached is a partial screenshot of what I’ve done so far.

I have both list fields loaded as enlist-input variables through the VarsWidget, and while I can get the first column to load right, I have no clue where to begin for the next one.

Looks like your first table is successful. You can wrap it as a macro or procedure, so you can reuse it for all possible filters.

Or you can try existing plugins, like my GitHub - tiddly-gittly/hyper-table: Present large amounts of data beautifully and efficiently, generate pivot tables and other advanced table presentations for tiddlers. or dynamic table on Shiraz 2.9.7 — create stylish contents in Tiddlywiki . Read their docs for usage about how to create table from filter.

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If I understand your intent, the two lists are defined “in parallel”. That is, for each item in the shorthands list, there is a corresponding item in the meanings list. So, if shorthands contains “Tidwi QoL”, and meanings contains “TiddlyWiki Quality-of-life”, you want a table that shows:

| Tidwi | TiddlyWiki |
| QoL | Quality-of-life |

To do this, you can use the $list widget’s counter=... parameter, like this:

<$list filter="[enlist<shorthands>]" counter="c">
      <td>{{{ [enlist<meanings>nth<c>] }}}</td>


  • The $list filter defines a variable named “c” that acts as a counter. This counter has an initial value of “1”, and is automatically incremented as each list item is processed.
  • The value in the meanings table column uses a “filtered transclusion” to get the list of meanings and then uses the nth<c> filter operator to display only the “c-th” item from that list.



That did the trick, thanks so much!
Good to know that there’s a way of accessing the current index of the list, I’ll be sure to keep that in mind!

Hello again! After a while of reading the docs, I cleaned it up rather nicely. However, the need for a <vars> block just for one variable is a little tilting. Is there a way to use a filtered transclusion in [range<>]?

  <$vars count={{{ [get[shorthands]enlist-input[]count[]] }}}>
  <$list filter="[range<count>]" counter="z">
      <td>{{{ [get[shorthands]enlist-input[]sort[]nth<z>] }}}</td>
      <td>{{{ [get[meanings]enlist-input[]sort[]nth<z>] }}}</td>

Hi @crayon

Are you sure shorthands and meanings stay related if you sort them separately like you do? I suggest you remove the sort[] operator from both like this:

      <td>{{{ [get[shorthands]enlist-input[]nth<z>] }}}</td>
      <td>{{{ [get[meanings]enlist-input[]nth<z>] }}}</td>

Also, you can omit <$vars> widget if you replace your <$list> widget by:

<$list filter="[get[shorthands]enlist-input[]count[]] :map:flat[range<currentTiddler>]" counter="z">


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Thanks for showing me how to omit the VarsWidget!
And point taken on the sort operator, it wouldn’t be so wise in the long run. I do want to have these sorted alphabetically, though.