Creating a new export option?

I was looking at the Creating a custom export format tiddler on the main site, and wasn’t sure if there was a way to use a new format to export all the tiddlers in the format individually, rather than as a single file. i.e. instead of one .JSON as 8, maybe saved as a zip file?

Or, is there a tool that can seperate a single JSON full of tiddlers into individual tiddler files? That would also help.

I’m often times exporting specific tiddlers between tiddlywikis, and also exporting bulk tiddlers to troubleshoot or archive my writings, and just wanted to look for a quicker method to do both haha

Like the new tag, any and all help is appreciated :blush:

To avoid having one download/save dialogue for each tiddler file you can;

  • Use the command line on a node wiki
  • installing the JSZip plugin and add you tiddlers in the desired format to the zip.
  • place your zip where you want it and extract all the files.

As I understand it the reason it is this way is in part due to browser restrictions.

Ah, okay that makes sense. Unfortunately I don’t run my wiki using node, but I suppose that is a good reason to finally look into trying that out haha

Yes, once you work it out it is simple, I would look for prior work, but it would be nice if the JSZip plugin came with macros to zip tiddlers according to a filter in one of a number of different formats (leveraging existing templates) as found in the exports for example.