To preface, I created this filter in order to automatically populate a list of tiddlers that I have either already created or ones that I haven’t yet created, however I am having some difficulty in sorting said list.
So I’m trying to sort the list from largest at the top to smallest at the bottom, by the number of tiddlers that they are tagging. So for instance, if I have the tiddler “TiddlyWiki” tagging 4 tiddlers, and “Notepad” tagging 2 tiddlers, “Notepad” should be listed underneath “TiddlyWiki”
The full filter is [tag[Topic Tiddlers]!is[system]] [all[missing+tags]!is[system]] -[[Journal Tiddlers]] -[[Topic Tiddlers]] :sort:number:reverse[tagging[]]
and the :sort part I don’t think is correctly working. Not as I intend it to though.
The idea behind it is to focus on creating Journal entries, and whatever links I create, be it hardlinks, tags, etc. they’ll populate in this list for me to revisit and expand upon.
Any and all advise as far as what I’m doing wrong would be really appreciated, I think I’ve gone above my comfort zone with this one haha
(Ah, something I should note is that I am trying to keep it as a single filter, without inlcuding any definitions or procedures, as it’s intended to be stored entirely within a field. Sorry if that complicates things )