Crashes when editing tiddlers in the Arc browser

For information
Today I bumped into the following:
When editing tiddlers in the Arc browser (, my default browser) Tiddlywiki crashes with a fullscreen “Tab crashed. Maybe reload the page?” message if the arrow keys are pressed and held down (MacBook Pro). The problem is not related to the recent upgrade to version 5.3.5, it also occurs in versions 5.3.3 and 5.3.4 (I had never seen it before today). The problem does not occur in other browsers I tested: Chrome, Firefox, and Safari. It thus seems to be a bizarre problem of the Arc browser (where I also reported the problem).
I am on macOS Sonoma 14.5 and use the latest version of Arc, 1.52.0 (51895).
For editing I use CodeMirror plugins.

Tab crashed

I did try to install that browser in the Windows Sandbox and the installer crashed. So they seem to have general stability problems.

It’s unfortunate that your first (I presume) experience with Arc was so negative. The Windows version is a recent development (released at the end of April this year). I have been using the macOS version since november 2022 and apart from a very small bug Arc fixed within a few days after reporting and the problem mentioned here, I have not encountered any glitches. IMHO Arc is a beautiful, very user-friendly and very robust browser (it takes some getting used to though).

I was on the waiting list for it for like 2,000 years… I had the same issues as @pmario. Contacted them twice, no response. :fire:

I don’t know how to fix it, and I don’t find any error message in my terminal.

env info:

  • TiddlyWiki: 5.3.3
  • macOS: 14.0

My research: chrome error code:11 - Google Zoeken

Which node.js version do you use?
Does the same thing happen with TW v5.3.5?

Hi @ThaddeusJiang it looks like the browser tab has crashed. The most likely reason would be running out of memory, or a bug in the browser itself.

When running under Node.js, data is quickly synced from the browser to the server and saved to disc, so you should be able to restart the browser and try again.

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@jeremyruston Thank you.
After switching to Safari, the issue seems to have stopped. It seem like a bug of the Arc browser.

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same here. :frowning:

i think it is only for arc browser bug.