Couldn't figure out how to add Code Mirror themes

i followed the instruction, screen shot as below, anything i am missing here?


From official CodeMirror plugin usage tab:

Setting a different Theme

CodeMirror themes are available in the official GitHub repository

More themes can be found at code-mirror-themes/themes at master · FarhadG/code-mirror-themes · GitHub and previewed here

To add a theme to your wiki, follow these four steps:

  • choose one of the CSS files and copy its content to a new tiddler
  • remove all comments from the top and tag the tiddler with $:/tags/Stylesheet
  • add a field “module-type” with the value “codemirror-theme”. add a field “name” with the exact name of the theme as value
  • save the tiddler and go to the Settings tab in $:/ControlPanel - look for the “theme” dropdown to select your newly added theme

Hi Mohammad, thanks for helping again, i did exactly as what instruction said, post screen shot above , just don’t know why it doesn’t work!

I tested on TiddlyWiki Pre-release — 5.3.7-prerelease and it works.
Give a try and see how it works on

i tried 5.3.7 prerelease, still gives me same result.

this time i tried amy, it did change the background, but no color highlights .
i think the theme did work, just partly , don’t know the reason.

below screen shot of my tiddlywiki

below is the demo from Code Mirror

i found the problem. i only installed the first plugin. don’t know you will need to install all the addons to make it work…

just find out there is a plugin called “codemirror 6” , solved all the problem…