I have further improved a quick and easy mechanism to upgrade my wikis, especially local file wikis. This in part because we have a few versions released of late all of which have some consequence.
I am wondering if someone like @jeremyruston can publish somewhere, the latest tiddlywiki version, perhaps using content within tiddlywiki.com, or even in or along side the upgrade site
that we can query from any tiddlywiki in the wild and use to compare to the current tiddlywiki’s version.
If this were so I could make my quick upgrade button display only if a later version is available. It includes a mechanism to display caveats etc… before upgrade.
I can think of a “html get” that retrieves the value and populates an $/info tiddler with the latest release, each time a wiki is loaded. If we can’t have this happen on every wiki load, then perhaps every 10, or user initiated. Or after seeking permission once/each time.
- Theoretically such information could be in a CDN and not hit the actual server much.
- Perhaps if people gave permission we could just count the queries and get some anonymous analytics on the number of tiddlywiki loads?
- This may be an opportunity to allow people to voluntarily help us collect instances, such as the versions numbers in use in the wild.
- It would need to fail gracefully when off line
This is not currently within my skill set, but I can help.
- Regardless of possible objections I think there would be a lot of people who would choose to opt-in to quickly see if they are on an older version and quickly upgrade.
- Hosted, node and internet facing wikis need a different process, so we should also detect this and vary instructions accordingly. For example node wikis may only report there is a newer version and link to instructions where single file wikis offer a quick method (I have a working quick upgrade).
- Encourage and simplify upgrades
- Especially when a few upgrades come rapidly, as has happened in 2023
- Reduce complexity debugging when not on the latest version of tiddlywiki
- Posibly gain an indication of tiddlywiki use in the wild.
Related matters;
- It would be timely and related to add the following at the same time;
- @EricShulman’s permalink captured in an info tiddler
- I my (with Erics help) capturing the current window.name in an info tiddler, if available (This has powerful implications I will not detail here).