Core Update of Cardo plugin results in Javascript Error

@Birthe Yeah I wondered why he put his own ribbon plugin in. So consider that one done :wink: Thanks for the hint.

As for the palettes and the theme that is defenitely on my list. I am pretty good at css and on my personal version I’ve already changed a lot.

The plugin 2click to edit from Danielo Rodrigues is used. I wonder why the tiddlers are repeated in the cardo plugin.

Tiddlers are: $:/plugins/Cardo/Danielos2Click2Edit/ClickListener.js and $:/plugins/Cardo/Danielos2Click2Edit/License

Some mixup with the scrollUp plugin. At least it seems so for me.

Status of the project:

I set up for the project.

I am now installing the Node.js version of TiddlyWiki as explained here: How to use TiddlyWiki as a static website generator in 3 steps - Ness Labs.

I now finished point 3 of this instruction: Developing plugins using Node.js and GitHub.
Now I have to figure out how to “convert” plugin files from the single-html-file in .tid files. :thinking:

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I would probably put the files into different folders based on type , eg all images go into images folder

$:/plugins/Cardo/images/area in subdir images with file name area etc

This should be possible using the jszip plugin. ie replack the plugin into a zip tiddler and then download it and then upzip.

I am just continuing my work on this, other stuff got in the way. I apologize.

According to the instructions plugins should be filed as a subdirectory to the publisher. David Szego published Cardo without his name $:/plugins/Cardo. I would now set it up as $:/plugins/DavidSzego/Cardo. Would that be ok, given that he himself can’t develop it further?

Please let me know what you think. Thank you in advance.

You can describe the situation in the readme tiddler. Maybe also in the name. Cardo updated or moderated or something.

maybe use the name of the github account that hosts the repository??

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I ran into the same error with the updated and fixed dyumnin file. So I openend up an empty TW5 5.3.3 and dragged the Cardo plugin into it. That seems to fix that error. But I have not tested everything yet.

Edit: I also noticed that Import doesn’t work anymore whenever the Cardo Plugin is activated.

So @pmario has point, it’s probably best to build up again from the ground: Cardo 2.0.

We might also replace moment.js with days.js in doing so. @Mario you seem to have looked into this already: Day.JS a Great Candidate for Time/Data/Calendar in TiddlyWiki - #4 by pmario.

I help wherever I can. Yet I am an architect for buildings and websites. I can help with CSS, documentation, translation and any job where I can find a tutorial for or someone points me in the direction.

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I finally managed to convert my single file Cardo into a node.js version and uploaded it to github: