Core Update of Cardo plugin results in Javascript Error

The code in the plugin seen at: Cardo — A TiddlyWiki for Getting Stuff Done Click to Get Cardo says:

For me that says the contribution is bound to the TW CLA (Contributor License Agreement). Which IMO is a clear intent, that all the terms used with the TW CLA are valid for the Cardo project too.

This basically means: The code is BSD and documentation is CC-BY. So we should be good to use and modify it under the same terms.

Edit the last known link to at also shows the same license info.

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I was. It is fantastic! As was his generosity.

It was very sad the author died.

It is possible/likely? he died before finalising all small details?


Maybe a link to TiddlyWiki GTD Group could be interesting. Announcing: Cardo 1.0.

Maybe not. As the last post was in 2022.

What remains interesting IS this open plea from 2020


Jut to rehash why I loved Cardo at the time. And: still find relevant: was David Svego’s take (=way of approaching) GTDs.

It embraced everything from simple “TODOs” through to full-on “Logical Project Frameworks”.

Unlike most GTDs, which are often quite (conceptually) brittle, Cardo was very (conceptually) flexible and practical.

I hope this is not off-T’

As this plea was posted on my birthday I take that as a sign. I would be willing to take up the project if nobody who is more experienced with Javascript want to give it a try. My idea is to call it CardoPlus and of course I want to make sure to fully credit David Szego and any other contributers. Because I probably need a little help every now and then.

What do you guys think?


A very positive sign!
Cardo has been left for so long now. I think, due to the project being enormous. Javascript is totally unknown to me.
I hope very much that you will find cooperation.
Cardo is really something, showing of what can be done using Tiddlywiki.


There is not so much javascript, it is mostly wikitext (and there is a lot of it).

The first task would be to export all the tiddlers into separate files so they can be put into git, and create a build… If you take up the project you can get advice here have to do this (if you need it).

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As I have not yet done such a thing (I am basically a newbie to Github too.) I would definitely need advice. :grinning:

PS: Is there a tutorial how to do that? :thinking:

Also have a look at the other plugins and the Cardo theme. Errors in them too.
$:/plugins/davidSzego/pageRibbonLogo get rid of that one. If you like? Use $:/plugins/tiddlywiki/github-fork-ribbon. Find in the Official TiddlyWiki Plugin Library. It gets updated and is half the size.
About the theme. It contains two palettes. In my opinion ugly brown on black background.
And they do not work in your cardo wiki either.

I did separate the plugin already, but there are some problems with the ViewTemplates. If used with the “old” templates no toolbar buttons work. So I did remove them. With the card-templates missing everything seems to work but it does not look as expected.

So some new templates have to be made, which needs some more time. But I do not know when I do have that time.

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@Birthe Yeah I wondered why he put his own ribbon plugin in. So consider that one done :wink: Thanks for the hint.

As for the palettes and the theme that is defenitely on my list. I am pretty good at css and on my personal version I’ve already changed a lot.

The plugin 2click to edit from Danielo Rodrigues is used. I wonder why the tiddlers are repeated in the cardo plugin.

Tiddlers are: $:/plugins/Cardo/Danielos2Click2Edit/ClickListener.js and $:/plugins/Cardo/Danielos2Click2Edit/License

Some mixup with the scrollUp plugin. At least it seems so for me.

Status of the project:

I set up for the project.

I am now installing the Node.js version of TiddlyWiki as explained here: How to use TiddlyWiki as a static website generator in 3 steps - Ness Labs.

I now finished point 3 of this instruction: Developing plugins using Node.js and GitHub.
Now I have to figure out how to “convert” plugin files from the single-html-file in .tid files. :thinking:

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I would probably put the files into different folders based on type , eg all images go into images folder

$:/plugins/Cardo/images/area in subdir images with file name area etc

This should be possible using the jszip plugin. ie replack the plugin into a zip tiddler and then download it and then upzip.

I am just continuing my work on this, other stuff got in the way. I apologize.

According to the instructions plugins should be filed as a subdirectory to the publisher. David Szego published Cardo without his name $:/plugins/Cardo. I would now set it up as $:/plugins/DavidSzego/Cardo. Would that be ok, given that he himself can’t develop it further?

Please let me know what you think. Thank you in advance.

You can describe the situation in the readme tiddler. Maybe also in the name. Cardo updated or moderated or something.

maybe use the name of the github account that hosts the repository??

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I ran into the same error with the updated and fixed dyumnin file. So I openend up an empty TW5 5.3.3 and dragged the Cardo plugin into it. That seems to fix that error. But I have not tested everything yet.

Edit: I also noticed that Import doesn’t work anymore whenever the Cardo Plugin is activated.

So @pmario has point, it’s probably best to build up again from the ground: Cardo 2.0.

We might also replace moment.js with days.js in doing so. @Mario you seem to have looked into this already: Day.JS a Great Candidate for Time/Data/Calendar in TiddlyWiki - #4 by pmario.

I help wherever I can. Yet I am an architect for buildings and websites. I can help with CSS, documentation, translation and any job where I can find a tutorial for or someone points me in the direction.

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I finally managed to convert my single file Cardo into a node.js version and uploaded it to github: