Copy Title from View Toolbar

I use timestamps to ensure my Titles are always unique, without having to think about it. So I use captions. And the view caption instead of title plugin. The drawback is my titles are lengthy and for linking etc I have to click edit, copy the title, then close that tiddler.

I’m wondering if it would be possible to add a View Toolbar button to copy the tiddler’s title. That would make my workflow much faster etc.

Thank you!

Sure we can, I will find some I made previously and add to this reply.

copy-tiddler-buttons.json (6.5 KB)

Here are a few I used but they are imperfect, and need a little work

  • Copy [[tiddler title]]
  • Copy {{tiddler title}}
  • Copy tiddler title
  • Copy the text of current tiddler title

But also,

Inside the editor select the Link icon and start typing a title, select from those listed and you can insert the [[tiddler title]].


Let me urge you not to use timestamps in the title at all, and if you must only when you have identical titles other wise. Tiddlers are by definition have unique titles.

  • It is my opinion if you feel you need timestamps to make tiddlers unique, you have made some invalid assumptions.
  • I have a rule to avoid “compound titles” that is titles containing more than one piece of information. I would be happy to guide you to better solutions.

Tell us why you think you need timestamps to make tiddlers unique and give us some real world examples.

Thank you for that!

You’re right I probably don’t need the timestamps. On the wiki where I needed a lot of duplicate ‘titles’ I started prefixing them with some information - There are a lot of tiddlers that refer to a central map etc. (For an RPG campaign). So I started doing like:

Encounter: Kalisto
Story: Kalisto
Map: Kalisto

I liked the timestamp idea because as the wiki grows, worrying about unique titles could become a hassle. But having built an IF game engine that uses ‘keys’ as unique IDs, I totally see your point. I may do away w/ the timestamp thing - but I’ll still need to copy a title that Caption is overriding so this copy button will still be VERY useful.

Thank you!

Thank you for the copy buttons, the Copy Title one works great! I’ll have to try the others tonight.