Converting journal tiddler title

I am afraid I just can’t get my head round this.
I have a number of journal tiddlers whose title are in the format YYYY-MM-DD.
I want to display the date at the top of the tiddler text field as DDth MMM YYYY.
Please can someone show me how to do this.

Control Panel - Info - Basics

field called Title Of new Journal tiddlers



I suspect this will not change existing journal tiddler titles, you may have to fix those up by other means.

Thanks for the response.

I probably did not make myself clear.

I want to keep the tiddler title in the form YYYY-MM-DD (eg 2023-12-10) but I want show 10th December 2023 within the text field.

I have worked out out to remove the hyphens from the title but not sure how to display the result in the date format above.

I don’t use Journals, so I may be missing something. What to you mean, “within the text field”? When I add a journal entry, there is nothing automatically added to the text field. And the default tiddler subtitle is already in a format much like what you want, although you can change that in $:/core/ui/ViewTemplate/subtitle/modified.

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Try this:

<$text text={{{ [{!!title}split[-]] [[120000000]] +[join[]format:date[DDth MMM YYYY]] }}}`/>


  • First, take the tiddler’s title and split at the hyphens. This will give three items: YYYY, MM, and DD
  • Then, add an item representing noon: “120000000” (that’s hours, minutes, seconds AND milliseconds). This will adjust the result to ignore any timezone offset.
  • Next, join the parts together to create a TWCore standard 17-digit “datetime string” (YYYYMMDDHHMMSSXXX).
  • Finally, use the format:date[...] operator to convert the 17-digit number into a formatted date string.


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If modified is the same date as the title you could use it:

<$view field=modified format=date template="DDth MMM YYYY" />

10th December 2023

Although I guess created would have been a better choice of date format field now that I look at what i wrote.

<$view field=created format=date template="DDth MMM YYYY" />


By “within the text field” i mean within the main body of the tiddler.


I modify the two new journal buttons to also set journal-date field and use that for any date search and manipulation.

  • I also uses a view template tiddler to only display on tiddlers with the journal-date field or journal tag.

I can give more details if you want