Convert from single HTML to NodeJS on 5.1.13


I’m trying to convert from a single html file to a nodejs setup. All the examples I find seem to be outdated and refer to --savewikifolder which doesn’t seem to exist anymore.

Can someone point me to a quick recipe?


Why don’t you think --savewikifolder exists?

Your command would look something like:

tiddlywiki --load path/to/singlefile.html --savewikifolder path/to/wikifolder

I’m getting this:

~/proj/TiddlyWiki$ tiddlywiki --load index.html --savewikifolder ~/outdir
Error: Unknown command: savewikifolder

Ah, 5.1.13 doesn’t have that command. 5.2.7 does!

Hmm, now for some reason the content is served but nothing is saved after changes :confused:

I started the service like this:

tiddlywiki converted_wiki --listen

After I stop the service and start it again, the changes are gone.

Drag and drop the single file wiki onto the nodejs wiki. Review and edit as needed before accepting import.

Should I add something to It currently looks like this:

    "plugins": [
    "themes": [

Basically, I’m not seeing the usual syncer-server-filesystem events. The original one-file wiki had configuration to save to github, but that’s only when the “save” button was pushed

That looks right. Where did you get it? (savewikifolder unfortunately doesn’t create a saving-wiki file). It is located in the converted_wiki directory, right? Are you getting any messages on the command line as you work? What OS are you on?

I found the reason. The folder after conversion contained this file: $__config_Plugins_Disabled_$__plugins_tiddlywiki_tiddlyweb.tid with these contents:

created: 20230421032226431
creator: sg
modified: 20230421032226448
modifier: sg
revision: 1
title: $:/config/Plugins/Disabled/$:/plugins/tiddlywiki/tiddlyweb
type: text/vnd.tiddlywiki


After I moved it out and restarted the service, everything started working again. Not sure what I did originally to cause that to happen. I’m a clown.