I’m struggling with this filter. So, here is a description of what I am trying to do.
I have a TW which is essentially a buildings database. There are tiddlers representing:
- Architect
- Premises (has a field named ‘Architect’ populated with Architect)
- Images - as jpg files (has a field named ‘Building’ populated with Premises)
For each Architect there may of course be mutiple premises and for each Premises there may be multiple images. So both are one-to-many.
For each Architect I want to display (i.e. transclude) the relevant images.
Step 1. Find the Premises
Step 2. Find the Images
Wrapping it all together in the parent Architect tiddler:
<$list filter="[[all[tiddlers]search:title:[jpg]]search:Building[all[tiddlers]search:Architect<currentTiddler>]]">
<$image source=<<currentTiddler>> width="200px"/>
but, it does not work! Help, please.