
I have been a small time tiddlywiki user for some years now, creating simple, small sized tw’s quite successfully.

However, I have been getting more and more into TW fundamentals and to be honest, I am very impressed by the simplicity of the original idea and its instantiation into a quite sophisticated IDE/delivery platform. The notion of ‘take a html page of div’s/javascript hide and show them on command and have the browser render them on a monitor’ is I think quite brillliant. The ability to create them on the fly, so to speak, only adds to the brilliance.

I am only just getting under the hood wrt filters (which I think do really need some more work for newbies like me) javascript, style sheets, viewtemplates, etc, but the help from this group has been fundamental to my growing understanding.

So, thank you one and all for your help and perseverance with my, obviously, naive questions, it is greatly appreciated.
