My apologies if this has been answered elsewhere, I searched but didn’t see.
I have a set of Journal tiddlers. Each tiddler has a few fields, day.start, day.finish and day.lunch. I would like to create a table that has:
- tiddler link,
- day.start,
- day.finish,
- day.lunch,
- time worked (day.finish-day.start-day.lunch),
- Excess work (time worked - std hours),
- Cumulative total of excess( sum previous excess work).
e.g. |2025-03-20_Journal | 2025-03-20 09:00:00|2025-03-20 17:00:00|00:30:00| 7:30:00 | 1:30:00| 30:30:00 | (where the std day is 6 hours)
I have been able to do all the time calculations etc and generate the table using <$list> however I am unable to work out how to maintain a running total of excess hours.
The excess hours must be calculated as it is not recorded and the std day duration may change meaning the entire table will be recalculated.
I have tried various <$list> nesting with different <$vars> <$set> <$let> without avail. Every time the <$list> loops the accumulation variable seems to reinitialize. I’ve tried other ways using filters however after an embarrassingly long period I’m no closer.
There is where I’m at:
\procedure my.proc(journals:"Default value")
<$let TimesheetAccumulator="0">
<$list filter="[tag[Journal]sort[title]]">
reg='[: -]'
daystart = {{{ [{!!day.start}search-replace:g:regexp<reg>,[]format:date[TIMESTAMP]] }}}
dayfinish= {{{ [{!!day.finish}search-replace:g:regexp<reg>,[]format:date[TIMESTAMP]] }}}
lunch = {{{ [[1970-01-01]][{!!day.lunch}]+[join[ ]search-replace:g:regexp<reg>,[]format:date[TIMESTAMP]] }}}
duration = {{{ [<dayfinish>subtract<daystart>subtract<lunch>] }}}
difference_sec = {{{[<duration>]:then[<duration>subtract{$:/jm/MSInAWorkday}] }}}
format = [UTC]0hh:0mm
difference = {{{ [<difference_sec>divide[1000]trunc[]] }}}
dur_hours={{{ [<difference>divide[3600]trunc[]] }}}
dur_hours_sec = {{{ [<dur_hours>multiply[3600]] }}}
dur_min={{{ [<difference>subtract<dur_hours_sec>divide[60]round[]abs[]] }}
TimesheetAccumulator={{{=[<TimesheetAccumulator>] =[<difference>] +[sum[]] }}}
<td>{{{ [<duration>format:timestamp<format>] }}}</td>
<td>{{{ [<difference_sec>compare::lt[0]then[-]]}}} {{{ [<difference_sec>abs[]format:timestamp<format>] }}}</td>
<td><<difference>> | <<TimesheetAccumulator>></td>
Any help from the tiddlywiki guru’s would be most appreciated.
Kind Regards, Jason