Commander Plugin - Set Field Value

I don’t know if this possible with how the Commander plugin works or not. I’m trying to clean up some tiddler references that are in tiddler field. The current field value is [[OldLink]]. I would like to set the field value to [[NewLink]] but I keep getting a filter error when placing the [[ around it. I’ve tried to escape the ['s but that also doesn’t work . Any help would be appreciated.

As an alternative to $:/Commander plugin, you could use:

To install, just drag-and-drop the TiddlyTools/Editable tiddler into your TiddlyWiki.

Then, to “bulk edit” your tiddlers:

  • Open the TiddlyTools/Editable tiddler
  • In the “Filter tiddlers” input, enter your desired filter ([tag[general]contains:myLink[OldLink]])
  • In the “Select tiddlers” input, click the “all” link to select all matching tiddlers
  • In the “Select fields” input, select the “myLink” field
  • A table will be displayed, showing rows for each tiddler, and columns for “Title” and “myLink” fields.
  • Above the table in the “find matching content” input, enter [[OldLink]], and in the “replace with” input, enter [[NewLink]].
  • Press the “checkmark” button to perform the “find-and-replace” action.
  • That’s it… all occurences of “[[OldLink]]” will replaced by “[[NewLink]]”



This solution works great. Thank you Eric.