Coming Up: Livestream 20th September 2024

The next livestream to celebrate Twenty Years of TiddlyWiki will kick off in just over an hour. You can view the stream and join the live chat here:

I intend to keep the stream live for at least two hours so please check the link even if you missed the start time.

How It Works

Putting on these live streams is a significant commitment of time and effort for me and for the other participants. So, following the usual TiddlyWiki philosophy, I want to focus on reuse, trying to make the recordings of these live streams useful and interesting in the future. I am hoping for something more like a podcast with rotating guests than a live recording of a big multi-party Zoom.

So, I will invite people to join me in the video chat for specific demos and interviews. For everyone else, the main way to participate will therefore be via the live chat. I have enabled the settings to retain the live chat so that it will be replayed with the recording.

Everyone is welcome to post requests here or on the live chat for specific demos of:

  • other peoples plugins (ideally demo’ed by the creator)
  • other peoples sites or setups (by creator)
  • official plugins (by Jeremy)
  • use cases and just general TW features (by Jeremy)
  • requests for specific topics to hear Jeremy’s thoughts

It may well be hard for me to keep track of everything going in the chat, so if I miss anything important please feel free to repeat it.

If asked to join the Video Chat

If you are invited to join the video chat you will appear on camera and be able to screen share to the stream. Please follow this link to join:

The password is “transclusion”.


  • While in the video chat you will need to close or mute the YouTube stream. Instead, use the video chat window directly. You will see and hear me and any other video chat participants in near real time (the YouTube stream has a few seconds lag)
  • The video chat application only supports a limited number of participants
  • The video chat application requires that all participants have a high speed internet connection

Technical Setup

I’ll describe the setup I am using for the livestreams just in case anyone out there has any suggestions or advice – or even is able to volunteer to help run the tech.

  • Broadcasting: I’m using Open Broadcaster Software (OBS), a venerable and capable open source application. It is essentially a live mixing desk for video and audio, and knows how to connect directly to YouTube with minimal technical setup. See for more details
  • Video chat: I’m using which is an open source peer to peer web video conference application that has special features to make it work well with OBS. For participants it works along the lines of something like Google Meet but there is a special view that is generated for OBS that OBS includes by overlaying an iframe (!). One clever aspect is that if necessary participants get relatively low quality video while it allocates as much bandwidth as possible to the stream that is going to OBS
  • Microphone: I’ve been using my AirPods Pro but for this session I will be using a decent USB microphone on the desk in front of me (I’ll still be using the AirPods for listening though)

Thanks for that, @jeremyruston. I’ve yet to try it but that’s a useful tidbit.

Here are some topics I’d like to hear about:

  • @EricShulman 's various time solutions would be neat with a comprehensive but quick overview
  • How people use other editors, beside the native editview editor, to edit tids. And what editors they use.
  • How people create plugins (I’ve only used the Tinka plugin packer, which I also gave a presentation on in one of the TW Oxford meetups).
  • …and, to name one example, it would be lovely if @Mohammad could demo his plugin for creating plugins.
  • Demo of the testcase widget: I barely understand even how to use it as an end user.
  • I’d like to see a demo of the Internals plugin (how to use it) and overall how to investigate problems/performance in TW via the browser or other tools.
  • I’d really like to hear Jeremys vision for federation (because, personally, I think it is a huge deal if we had it in place)
  • …related(?), if Jeremy has any thoughts around and/or something comparable to an “app store”

Addendum of some things that are perhaps specifically fitting for a 20 year anniversary:

  • Jeremys thoughts for TWs future
  • The reasoning and considerantions for creating TW5 (and also if you pondered over if it was not a good idea)

This was fun! I’m hoping we can have @pmario and @sobjornstad on sometime during it, marios plugins are some of my favorites (such as his TOCp) and GROK tiddlywiki is the goto learning material for TiddlyWiki imo :blush:

1 Like

I’d love to see this demonstrated!

It was actually one of the other things I had wanted to show prior to my audio breaking :sweat_smile:
I have it set so a filter dynamically builds the TOC as you add more tiddlers, based off the tags they have.

4 posts were split to a new topic: Dynamically Layered Stylesheets

I was able to pull a more complete transcript, but it still misses the first 10 minutes (click here to reveal it)

3:18 PM Birthe C: Starting a new TW up = going to tiddlytools

3:18 PM Russ Thomas: For me, $action-timeout is his prime

3:18 PM Mat: (might it be Jeremys mic that causes an Echo when Eric speaks?)

3:19 PM Russ Thomas: @Mat. I bet.

3:19 PM Justin Hurd: possibly, or if Eric has the stream audio and his own playing, like through a speaker.

3:19 PM Mat: @Jeremy Ruston - do you think you could test if your mic is causing the echo that all viewers hear from Eric?

3:19 PM Jeremy Ruston: Mat - the echo isn’t through my ephones

3:20 PM Mat: Right, that is why I think you may be causing it.

3:20 PM Russ Thomas: is anyone else on the feed?

3:20 PM Dave Gifford: the echo is not that bad

3:20 PM Jeremy Ruston: No, I can see the meter showing what sound is coming out of my microphone and it doesn’t wurble when Eric is talking

3:20 PM Justin Hurd: yea its fine enough for me

3:20 PM Jeremy Ruston: We had a similar echo yesterday

3:20 PM Mat: OK

3:20 PM Jeremy Ruston: Hi Dave Gifford – could I ask you join us in the chat when you’re ready? There are instructions in my latest post to the forum

3:21 PM Dave Gifford: sure, I will try to figure it out now

3:21 PM Jeremy Ruston: Thank you

3:21 PM Jeremy Ruston: Ref: the echo, it happens even if I am not streaming, so it’s something to do with I think

3:22 PM Russ Thomas: vdo.grasshopper then

3:22 PM Russ Thomas: fixed!

3:23 PM Russ Thomas: well, briefly

3:23 PM Anthony Muscio: better not fixed?

3:24 PM Justin Hurd: I spy a wild Dave in the stream

3:24 PM Dave Gifford: Reverse Dave, the video is flipped horizontally

3:26 PM Jeremy Ruston: The echo seems worse when Dave is talking

3:26 PM Mat: Lots of echo

3:26 PM Justin Hurd: yea, i agree

3:26 PM Jeremy Ruston: I’ve muted eric

3:26 PM Anthony Muscio: too much

3:26 PM Justin Hurd: also if you are using obs, you can make a text field to put below them to show their names for new viewers

3:26 PM Birthe C: Very har to understand - echo

3:27 PM Anthony Muscio: I thinks its in your mixing Jeremy

3:27 PM Thomas Elmiger: Much better

3:27 PM stobot: Great!

3:27 PM Justin Hurd: audio sounds good!

3:27 PM Mat: Much better!

3:27 PM Birthe C: Better far better

3:27 PM Russ Thomas: lots better

3:28 PM Anthony Muscio: But better now

3:29 PM Mat: Sorry… lots of echo

3:29 PM Thomas Elmiger: Echo is back

3:29 PM Justin Hurd: strange how it went a way for short period of time

3:29 PM Birthe C: Sounds like singing from outerspace

3:29 PM Mat: @Jeremy Ruston - maybe they have the youtube video active in the forum thread where you linked a direct link in the discussion?

3:30 PM Mat: I.e in a different tab, still open there.

3:30 PM Jeremy Ruston: Dave said that he had closed the YouTube stream tab

3:30 PM Russ Thomas: @Jeremy Ruston Can you make Dave presenter?

3:30 PM Anthony Muscio: I just know that you fixed it before in the last video some where in your mixing Jeremy, I dont know the software tools

3:31 PM Russ Thomas: Your feed is clear Jeremy

3:32 PM Anthony Muscio: Everyone but Jeremy gets these problems. Hence something between the other tool and Youtube.

3:32 PM Justin Hurd: that does make it seem like it is bandwidtch then

3:33 PM Anthony Muscio: Just dont speak too fast please dave

3:33 PM Russ Thomas: @Jeremy Ruston in OBS, is “deskop audio” selected? I think that’s what it’s called…

3:33 PM Russ Thomas: I’d turn that off

3:33 PM Justin Hurd: fixed!

3:33 PM Taylor Worthington: Fixed

3:34 PM Mat: fixed

3:34 PM Anthony Muscio: That was it

3:34 PM Justin Hurd: good job Russ

3:34 PM Jeremy Ruston: OK I didn’t change anything, so that’s pretty definitive!

3:34 PM Russ Thomas: Hmm

3:34 PM stobot: Particularly love the “TiddlyWiki Toolmap” Dave! Great companion to “TiddlyTools” of Eric’s :slight_smile:

3:34 PM Russ Thomas: baffling

3:34 PM Justin Hurd: oh, well thats strange :thinking:

3:34 PM Russ Thomas: toolmap - yep. Brilliant.

3:35 PM Mat: @Dave Gifford - show us! :slightly_smiling_face:

3:35 PM Anthony Muscio: TiddlyWIki as a platform to generate content outside of it, one of many powers.

3:36 PM Justin Hurd: developer by heart, not by trade!

3:36 PM Anthony Muscio: TiddlyWiki Script Kiddy?

3:36 PM Justin Hurd: arent we all? lol

3:37 PM Russ Thomas: wikitext is a language… any communicable medium can be considered a language

3:37 PM Anthony Muscio: computable?

3:37 PM Thomas Elmiger: Enveloper, not developer – I like that!

3:37 PM Russ Thomas: Stroll – Yes please

3:38 PM Jeremy Ruston: Here’s a link to a 2006 version of Eric’s TiddlyTools: Wayback Machine

3:42 PM Birthe C: The twostory made it so easy to compare tiddler text - and edit accordingly

3:43 PM Robb Hensley: Thank you , just thank you!

3:43 PM Jeremy Ruston: Thank you Dave!

3:44 PM Anthony Muscio: One of the big differences is the community and Eric and Dave are examples of contributions in different ways. Questions and answers.

3:45 PM Mat: @Jeremy Ruston - I posted these questions in the forum just before the meeting started:

3:45 PM Jeremy Ruston: Thanks Mat I saw those too

3:47 PM Mat: Eric - I’d love to see some demos of things you think would benefit people. “What would probably benefit a TW user if he/she knew about” that you have created?

3:47 PM Anthony Muscio: I used to look at the recent tab of tiddlytools every other day.

3:49 PM Anthony Muscio: THere was always another easter Egg

3:50 PM Russ Thomas: I used to use that!

3:50 PM Anthony Muscio: And the cookie Jar

3:51 PM Jeremy Ruston: Who would like to a demo next? Can be something you’ve published, or just something private that you’d be able to click around briefly to give us a flavour of how you use TiddlyWiki

3:51 PM Jeremy Ruston: Birthe? Tony?

3:52 PM Anthony Muscio: My Key GTD wiki

3:52 PM Jeremy Ruston: Let me know if anyone is pressed for time, otherwise I hope we can get to everyone who would like to demo

3:53 PM Russ Thomas: I have a work meeting top of the hour

3:53 PM Birthe C: I am not able to demo - old equipment

3:53 PM Justin Hurd: I’m not in any rush, so I’d like to volunteer to go last! all I really have for show is a transcluding stylesheet Ive been working on 🤷‍♂

3:55 PM Justin Hurd: Has eric considered a video linked to the webpage to play in the bg if the visitor has internet connection?

3:55 PM Justin Hurd: like, using an iframe with a backup photo

3:56 PM Russ Thomas: @Jeremy Ruston such a slouch :wink:

3:57 PM Russ Thomas: I always said you should write a memoir

3:58 PM Russ Thomas: $action-timeout

3:58 PM Russ Thomas: yes!

3:59 PM Justin Hurd: lol Russ has been waiting all stream

3:59 PM Russ Thomas: lol

3:59 PM Russ Thomas: right when I need to drop out

3:59 PM Russ Thomas: @Justin Hurd forum pm

4:01 PM Anthony Muscio: Yes, Eric always pushed the limits. These timer related tools are revolutionary whist remaining robust and integrated.

4:02 PM Jeremy Ruston: Eeek echoes seem to have suddenly got worse… again I haven’t changed anything :frowning:

4:02 PM arunnbabu81: @russ are you there in the talk-tiddlywiki forum ?

4:02 PM Anthony Muscio: No echos in my ears

4:02 PM Justin Hurd: @Jeremy Ruston I dont hear any echoing.

4:02 PM Russ Thomas: no echoes here

4:02 PM Justin Hurd: Does anyone else hear it>

4:02 PM Justin Hurd: ?*

4:02 PM Birthe C: No - sound is fine

4:03 PM Taylor Worthington: That. is. crazy.

4:03 PM arunnbabu81: no echo here

4:03 PM Jeremy Ruston: Phew! That’s interesting, more variables!

4:03 PM Mat: haha - I didn’t realize he made those things in css! brilliant!

4:03 PM Justin Hurd: its unfortunate that I have friends who cannot read a standard analogue clock :pensive:

4:03 PM Anthony Muscio: Really?

4:04 PM Justin Hurd: yep, cursive and other things like these are a lost art for younger folks like myself

4:04 PM Russ Thomas: Honestly, I don’t know where he finds the time (sorry, I had to)

4:05 PM Justin Hurd: you know, a fun use of these faces is styling them to run as the different face designs of a smartwatch

4:05 PM Mat: Justin, do they not teach analog clocks in school?

4:05 PM Justin Hurd: oop, i think Jeremy is cut off the screen

4:06 PM Justin Hurd: Mmm, I’m not sure, I rememebr them in math problems back when I was in highschool, but otherwise I do not know.

4:06 PM Birthe C: In school - my parents tried to get me to know the clock before I knew the numbers. But I got lots of presents and candy - very stimulating for learning

4:06 PM Anthony Muscio: Just the clocks

4:07 PM Justin Hurd: I learned because my grandparents had a massive one in the living room that I would try to play with. Needless to say I may have been the demise of that old clockface…

4:07 PM 路提: Edit-list ,this macro i love it very much,it s powerful

4:07 PM Birthe C: Well I was 2 years old and placed in a box in their grocery shop.

4:10 PM Justin Hurd: the calendar is a personal favorite of mine! styling it is a bit tricky imo though

4:10 PM Mat: Birthe … what on earth are you talking about? :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

4:11 PM Birthe C: The clocks - and time

4:12 PM Jeremy Ruston: Tony would you be interested in joining the video chat?

4:12 PM Jeremy Ruston: Might depend on headphones and internet connection!

4:13 PM Anthony Muscio: Are you referring to me?

4:14 PM Jeremy Ruston: Sorry did Eric’s audio just drop out for a seconds or two?

4:14 PM Jeremy Ruston: Yes sorry Anthony Muscio!

4:14 PM Mat: yes

4:14 PM Jeremy Ruston: Thanks Mat

4:14 PM Russ Thomas: a/v dropped hear

4:14 PM Russ Thomas: here*

4:15 PM Anthony Muscio: No Problem, you mean now or next time?

4:15 PM Russ Thomas: pancake tuesday every day in the US

4:15 PM Jeremy Ruston: 5 minutes Anthony Muscio?

4:16 PM Jeremy Ruston: I’ll let Eric finish then do some introductions then come to you if that’s OK?

4:16 PM Anthony Muscio: It is brilliant Eric

4:16 PM Anthony Muscio: Jeremy I am not sure I have the software?

4:17 PM Jeremy Ruston: Have a look at my last message in the forum and follow the link there – all happens in the browser

4:18 PM Russ Thomas: Eric was crystal

4:19 PM Jeremy Ruston: Thanks

4:21 PM Russ Thomas: XPCOM I thought

4:23 PM FsB Gaming: thanks jeremy, you had inspired me to make my own implementasion as a toy project.

4:23 PM Anthony Muscio: I dont have headphones handy sorry,

4:24 PM FsB Gaming: learned alot from TW

4:24 PM Dave Gifford: here tones fine

4:24 PM Dave Gifford: hear

4:24 PM Mat: sound is good

4:24 PM Justin Hurd: I dont hear any echoing, i think its good!

4:25 PM Birthe C: Audio f ine

4:25 PM Dave Gifford: Tone’s tone’s fine

4:25 PM Justin Hurd: ohh now i hear an echo

4:25 PM Mat: Now much echo!

4:25 PM FsB Gaming: now it’s echoing

4:25 PM Mat: It was good moments ago

4:25 PM Justin Hurd: there we go!

4:25 PM Mat: NOW good again!

4:26 PM FsB Gaming: awesome

4:26 PM Mat: (no sound from Eric now…)

4:27 PM Mat: Weak mumbling from Eric. Good sound from tony and jeremy.

4:27 PM Jeremy Ruston: Thanks everyone

4:34 PM Taylor Worthington: I used to use TreePad before TiddlyWIki

4:34 PM Birthe C: Treepad was very goog used that one too.

4:34 PM Taylor Worthington: Same experience

4:35 PM Birthe C: I still have my treepad running. to mauch text to export.

4:35 PM Dave Gifford: Have to leave, day job intervenes. Blessings to all.

4:36 PM Birthe C: Bye - and thanks to you

4:36 PM Taylor Worthington: The only alternative is to run a personal MediaWiki instance

4:36 PM Taylor Worthington: Zim Wiki is still hierarchical

4:37 PM Birthe C: I have tried Zim - did not like it.

4:37 PM Taylor Worthington: Zim is a system app, and it allows you to run Linux commands

4:38 PM Birthe C: I do understand that - but I do think it is for me

4:39 PM Jeremy Ruston: Would anyone like to get ready to join us in the video chat? Mat? Justin? Russ?

4:40 PM Justin Hurd: If no one else is interested, I’m fine to! cough drops have been a life saver haha

4:41 PM Jeremy Ruston: Thanks Justin, do please join us - there are instructions in my last post in the forum

4:48 PM Mat: I could join but would be better if I had time to prepare some stuff, so better if tomorrow or sunday. That OK?

4:48 PM Alex McLean: Oh, happy birthday!

4:48 PM Justin Hurd: alrighty, I think I have everything ready on my end

4:49 PM Alex McLean: oh, still 10 days to go

4:50 PM Taylor Worthington: I might add however that there are crucial core functions that cannot be done at present - but it is not always clear which is which.

4:51 PM Jeremy Ruston: Great thanks Justin I’ll ping you in a moment

4:51 PM Jeremy Ruston: Hi Alex McLean thanks for dropping by!

4:54 PM Eric Shulman: @jeremy you have me muted!

4:55 PM Jeremy Ruston: Eric I don’t have you muted, it seems that something about Tones’ connection is blocking you. I think you’ll be audible when Tones drops off

4:55 PM Eric Shulman: “The director has muted you”

4:59 PM Jeremy Ruston: Justin come in when you can

4:59 PM Jeremy Ruston: Thank you Tones! Much appreciated

5:00 PM Mat: Very low volume for Eric!

5:00 PM Anthony Muscio: I am back in YouTube

5:00 PM Mat: OK; works if max loudspeaker.

5:00 PM Mat: audio good now!

5:02 PM Mat: Tones - thanks for your pres! Interesting stuff.

5:03 PM Anthony Muscio: I hope it was useful

5:04 PM Anthony Muscio: I agree Eric, Totally.

5:05 PM Taylor Worthington: It’s a good point. My file manager renames the files, and I’ve considered running a script in order to un-rename the files.

5:08 PM Taylor Worthington: Showing the caption as the header

5:08 PM Anthony Muscio: I am going to have to see the video tomorrow, as its 2am here. Good night friends

5:08 PM Mat: @Jeremy Ruston - can you ask if Justin is transcluding smaller ss into a bigger one or how did he achieve that?

5:09 PM Mat: or how is the hierarchy achieved?

5:10 PM Mat: (does the hiearchy correspond to the cascade?)

5:10 PM Thomas Elmiger: Ah, no, only to activate/inactivate.

5:11 PM Mat: - so what is the cascade order when he activates/deactivates?

5:16 PM Mat: Discord URL?

5:19 PM Justin Hurd: the stylesheet works by taking children stylsheets and transcluding their content into the main sheet, with @media elements determining which will appear based on if you are on a mobile aspect ratio

5:19 PM Justin Hurd: or a desktop ratio

5:20 PM Justin Hurd: I plan to replace the manully typed transclusions with filters that transclude the content, probably by tags.

5:21 PM Justin Hurd: also, discord has a web platform and a dedicated app, I’ve been in video chats with upwards to 25+ people (using discord plugins I think) and it’s quite good.

5:22 PM Mat: decades! HOORRAYYY!

5:23 PM Mat: @Jeremy Ruston - twx are we still talking open source?

5:23 PM Justin Hurd: I hope so :>

5:25 PM Mat: YAY!

5:26 PM Justin Hurd: trial and error, leads to brilliance ^^

5:28 PM Thomas Elmiger: Thank you all! CU

5:28 PM Mat: Thank you Jeremy and everyone!!!

5:28 PM Birthe C: Thank you

5:28 PM Justin Hurd: Cya later :smiley:

5:28 PM Simon Thomas: Thanks Jeremy and all!

5:29 PM Jeremy Ruston: Thank you! Is anyone able to copy the chat somewhere else? Not working for me because I’m looking at it within OBS

5:30 PM Justin Hurd: Do you have an option in youtube to export it?