Colored Tags in TiddlyWiki

I am experimenting with Twine / An open-source tool for telling interactive, nonlinear stories (

This is a note in Twine.

I like the tags! I want to know how I can use a simple stylesheet and update my tag styles in Tiddlywiki with something like this:

  1. There are six main tags. They are colorful (pale color)
  2. The text , border and button here drop down in TW close button are colorful
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I think we can learn from this clean UI for our TW tiddler UI.

You can easily color your tags and even set custom icons.

In the sidebar click on More → Tags → Tag Manager

There you customize colors and icons of your tags.

There are other ways too. But this is the easiest.

This is equivalent to adding color field to the tag tiddler.

These are some of colors used in Twinery

:root {
    --black: #000;
    --off-white: #f2f2f2;
    --white: #fafafa;
    --white-translucent: hsla(0,0%,100%,0.7);
    --dark-gray-translucent: rgba(0,0,0,0.7);
    --dark-gray: #4d4d4d;
    --gray: #999;
    --light-gray: #d9d9d9;
    --light-gray-translucent: hsla(0,0%,60%,0.25);
    --faint-gray: #e6e6e6;
    --dark-red: #c2100a;
    --faint-red: #fee8e7;
    --red: #f5433d;
    --light-red: #fcd0cf;
    --light-red-translucent: rgba(246,91,85,0.25);
    --dark-orange: #c26c0a;
    --faint-orange: #fef3e7;
    --orange: #f59f3d;
    --light-orange: #fce7cf;
    --light-orange-translucent: rgba(246,171,85,0.25);
    --dark-yellow: #bcc20a;
    --faint-yellow: #fdfee7;
    --yellow: #eff53d;
    --light-yellow: #fbfccf;
    --light-yellow-translucent: rgba(241,246,85,0.25);
    --dark-green: #0ac216;
    --green: #3df549;
    --faint-green: #e7fee8;
    --light-green: #cffcd2;
    --light-green-translucent: rgba(85,246,96,0.25);
    --dark-blue: #0a60c2;
    --blue: #3d93f5;
    --faint-blue: #e7f1fe;
    --light-blue: #cfe4fc;
    --light-blue-translucent: rgba(85,160,246,0.25);
    --dark-purple: #6c0ac2;
    --faint-purple: #f3e7fe;
    --faint-purple-translucent: rgba(219,182,251,0.25);
    --purple: #9f3df5;
    --light-purple: #e7cffc;
    --light-purple-translucent: rgba(171,85,246,0.25);

I create a new page button with dropdown menu to create new tiddlers. These tiddlers have prefilled color and icons.


See examples for all tags with color and icon.

The attached json file is the page button configuration without the template tiddlers.

$__bangyou_ui_button_new-tiddlers.json (4.5 KB)


Great! You have not included the color and icons, so I cannot reproduce what I see in the screenshot! I think those tags shall be included in the JSON for colors.

Sidenot: If you don’t mind would you please share the the structure of your meeting tiddler (I see in your screenshot) here on Meetings: Tiddlywiki Tools, Plugins, Editions - Discussion - Talk TW

Thank you all!

I was able to create colorful tags with pale colors as Twinery!

Hi, It would be nice, if you could share your solution, so others don’t have to invent the wheel in the future again.