CodeMirror-Mode-TiddlyWiki5 produces javascript error

I am running my TW on node.js. I have installed codemirror plugin by adding the corresponding entry to my file. Then I added CodeMirror-Mode-TiddlyWiki5 I downloaded the .json file and imported it in the wiki.

Now when I edit a tiddler, I get the following error:

Internal JavaScript Error

Well, this is embarrassing. It is recommended that you restart TiddlyWiki by refreshing your browser
TypeError: e.showHint is not a function. (In 'e.showHint(i)', 'e.showHint' is undefined)

How do I set this right?

I don’t know if its your problem but in the past this occurred for me with a codeMirror HTML related plugin. remove it and try and repeat. If that was the cause lets request a fix.

@TW_Tones Thanks. But removing and repeating it produced the same error. Does the plugin expect presence or absence of some other plugin?

When installing it should install more than one plugin as a package.

That was just a guess, otherwise I know not why, sorry.

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The README has all the details

First install the latest version of CodeMirror main plugin and CodeMirror Autocomplete sub-plugin (otherwise it will report an error).

Go directly to Release and download CodeMirrorModeTiddlyWiki5-X.X.X.json, then drag and drop it into your TiddlyWiki, or import it in TiddlyWiki.

@boris Thanks. The codemirror-autocomplete was missing. I have added it. And all is well now.