CodeMirror 6 plugin Beta

Just to be clear here my suggestion is you consider dropping the code mirror auto completion features so it is “not yours or code mirrors responcibility” and acting to make it possible to use the feature rich autocomplete plugin instead

  • bracket closure may be an exception
  • in this way you excise this complexity from code mirror and let users make use of a more generic tool that also works inside and outside code mirror.

Of course this is totaly your call because you know more about the issue than I. But perhaps we can help.

Hi @TW_Tones

the codemirror autocompletion features are baked into the various languages
if you use a tiddler of type application/javascript for example or text/markdown you will see that there’s semantic autocompletion

tiddlers of type text/vnd.tiddlywiki have only the anyword autocompletion feature if it’s switched on

I could turn autocompletion totally off but that would cut a very useful feature and I won’t do so

Hi @BurningTreeC,

width of texteditor / preview changes after update plugin from v0.1.19 → v0.1.20:

Hello @StS

in version 0.1.21 that’s now fixed

Hi all,

I’ve reduced the plugin size significantly with version 0.1.23 by omitting unneeded language and feature packs.
It’s now down to 990kb.

Best wishes,

1 Like

Since them this function is also gone:

Is there a way to activate again tiddler-title completions only by using

the string /// (= it triggers subsume)?
the string \\ (= it triggers subsume-edit)?

Thanks, Stefan

Hi @StS - no this function is not gone, try on the plugin page to insert /// or &&&

Hi @BurningTreeC,

yes, the funktion is still there but when I start typing there is no pulldown/dropdown menu where are tiddler-titles shown…


As I’ve written before, this feature is gone.

Just an fyi on a test case that causes the TiddlyWiki to get the dreaded “Well This is Embarrassing” javascript error.

Create a tiddler, say “My Tiddler”
Create a tiddler, say “My Tiddler Editor”

In “My Tiddler Editor”, setup an Edit Widget to edit “My Tiddler”.

Open “My Tiddler Editor” in a new window.

Do a little bit of editing in that new window, then close it.

Bang: javascript error.

I don’t know if it is necessarily an issue with the plugin, or an issue with the version of TiddlyWiki. Both?

Three screenshots:

Works fine on (no CM, Firefox, Win10)

@Charlie_Veniot @CodaCoder

yes, this is either a bug or a missing handling

I also can reproduce the error:

→ open new tiddler
→ type 123
→ press enter
→ type 12 → to dropdown menu came
→ press ESC

This is a different error @StS - and I cannot reproduce it on the plugin page

Ok, I see…

Previous error was generated within TiddlyDesktop Application - same when using Chrome browser:

Doing the same in Firefox browser I’ll get this error:

Click on “Schließen” → you can proceed…

Hi @StS - I cannot reproduce these errors on the plugin page
Are you using another plugin that’s trying to open a menu within the editor?

I think, the error comes from tw5-keyboard-navigation.

When I remove the plugin (+clear browser cache + remove temp-tiddlers), I will get the error immediately by typing one letter :frowning:

Hello @Charlie_Veniot

are you using Chrome browser? I’m investigating about this issue and with FireFox it doesn’t happen after checking out the latest view component of codemirror 6 where the maintainer has published a fix.
In Chrome this is still happening in my tests

G’day g’day,

Yup, Chrome Version 118.0.5993.86

Hi all,

tiddler title completion is added again!
It can be triggered by typing ?? (configurable)

Best wishes,