CodeMirror 6 plugin (alpha)

I recommend looking at subclassing the EditTextWidget from factory.js as a new widget with a new name, and using that new factory widget to create the editor widget for CodeMirror.

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Thanks @saqimtiaz

I believe I’m already doing something like that and you gave me a good hint… I have an idea what to do

@BurningTreeC When I checked in the demo site, I see that CM6 already support Tab and Shift+Tab to indent and unindent text. Can this be extended to support indent (Tab) and unindent (Shift+Tab) for ordered and unordered lists so that CM6 plug-in can natively do what editor-autolist does with lists.


Hmmm… I believe we need a tiddlywiki mode for that

I did have a look at the native markdown mode and believe that it can be accomplished - but it’s a lot of work and I’m back at my job again after a break, so I don’t know if I find the necessary time

Hi @arunnbabu,

now version 0.0.54 is online and should (untested) fix the problem with the editor-autolist plugin

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@BurningTreeC Enter key is not working at the moment. Check here -

Ah right, I forgot the most important part :blush:

@arunnbabu - now it should work, I’ve tested it :+1:

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@BurningTreeC That was an awesome quick fix. Thank you soo much. Editor in TW is getting some serious love from BTC.

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@BurningTreeC In my wiki, the fullscreen option is not working (although it was working in the demo site) - Here is my wiki
It was working in my wiki when I initially added CM6 to my wiki. Can you take a look at this when you have some time ?

Hmmm … I believe that’s the Multi-column layout interferring with the fullscreen-styles for the editor
I’ll have a look at that … but I’ll do that later this week

Fullscreen is not working correctly at the moment

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@StS - no I cannot reproduce this behavior

On mobile devices yes - there I could notice that codemirror scrolls the cursor into view, but on my Desktop I didn’t notice anything so far :frowning:

@BurningTreeC An editor toolbar button for search and replace will be a good addition on mobile devices.

Done! @arunnbabu81

The search button is there :slight_smile:

That was it for today, good night ^^

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placeholder is a missing part in tiddlywiki codemirror5, should you consider supporting it in codemirror6?

Hi @oeyoews

Yes, I plan to add the placeholder


→ When only 1 tiddler is open, than it works

→ When I’ve open a longer tiddler - eg. $:/ControlPanel - with the new one and I type j than it jumps out of scope:


type j:

When I switch back in
from codemirror-6 to comptext
→ everything is ok again

I will test this @StS , thank you for your report

@oeyoews - placeholder is now integrated!

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Hi @StS

what plugins are installed in your wiki?