Is this a bug, or just the way CM works in TW?
If you’re typing your own words, and then try to auto-complete (control-space), CM will work if there is only one word that matches, but will not work if there is more than one word that matches. You are not given a pop-up menu showing all possible matches.
So if you type:
developers develop stuff using stuffiers.
And then below that type dev <control-space>
, nothing happens. It would be better if it grabbed any word (say the last word typed) then that it does nothing. Because now you’ve wasted time typing a sequence and will have to type the whole word by hand anyways. It forces the user to remember which words can and can not be auto-completed, which defeats the purpose of the technology.
The pop-up choice does work for syntax if you are editing a tiddler of the appropriate type (e.g. javascript).
I tried CM on an example (not TW) site, and it performed as expected, providing a pop-up for multiple choices of user-created words. So it’s not a limitation of CM, per se, and must be something about the TW implementation.