Code formatting is being lost in import

Continuing the discussion from [tw5] Tw-Themes: How to keep CSS so users can still (palette) tweak?:

Just wanted to mention content is being lost in the above thread where I’d guess the forum is trying to parse macro syntax <<...>> as html.

To show content that include macros, use the backtick around the macro, like this: <<...>>.

Alternatively, you can enclose an entire section of content within lines that contain triple backticks, like this:

This is text that includes <<macros>> and <html> syntax that is
displayed literally, instead of being interpreted.  Note that it also
does "syntax highlighting" of the enclosed content.

Note: I’ve edited those previous posts to add the needed backticks so they now show the syntax that was previously parsed out.


Thank @EricShulman for your edition.