Check out your TiddlyWiki usage for this year with the calendar heat map before the New Year!

I will improve it with your suggestions


Recently, I was pointing to this forum and the software/community behind as a non FOMO inducing social software, in contrast with all instant messaging apps (WhatsApp, Telegram, Discord, Matrix, Slack, etc). We were talking about that in the context of how is becoming more and more difficult to keep focus in a distracting world (and talking about the books of Cal Newport about that). Being able to focus on other stuff, revive old threads and finding gentle answers like yours is a probe of how we still can build pleasant constructive talk in the web.

Thanks a lot.

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I have updated the calendar heat map, and now its year can be changed by <$echarts $tiddler="$:/plugins/Gk0Wk/echarts/addons/oflg/CalendarHeatmap/CalendarHeatmap.js" $height="180px" year="2021"/>. It can be referenced by writing a custom << >> macro.

You can download the updated calendar heat map here. (it is included in the echarts plug-in and is being updated in PR)

$__plugins_Gk0Wk_echarts.json (1.1 MB)

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In addition, in this update, the heat map can be clicked to show the corresponding tiddlers.

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