Change the way tiddlers are listed and viewed in Recents section

I have a made a search modal with help of the some of the community members (especially Charlie Veniot). Here is the demo wiki. Click on the Search&Edit Modal in the topbar - the relevant tiddlers are listed there. I need the tiddlers in the Recent section to be listed in a similar way with the option to edit inline on clicking the button as seen in the search modal. I am not planning to change the core tiddler. I will just clone the Recent section and use it seperately. Is there any way to do it ?

I cloned and modified the timeline macro to get what I was looking for. Here is the result.

Click on the Timeline link in the topbar. You see the cloned new timeline macro, original timeline macro and a demo timeline tiddler.

But the problem is when I cloned and modified the timeline macro, I just added the code for inline editing of tiddler. I also wanted to change the name of the macro from timeline to something else so that the orginal timeline macro is untouched. But when I tried to change the name of the macro, it was not working. Can anyone suggest how to change the macro name in the cloned modified timeline macro.

In tiddler $:/core/macros/rtimeline, change this line:

\define timeline(limit:"100",format:"DDth MMM YYYY",subfilter:"",dateField:"modified")

to this:

\define rtimeline(limit:"100",format:"DDth MMM YYYY",subfilter:"",dateField:"modified")

Then, in tiddler Timeline, change this line:

<$macrocall $name="timeline" format={{$:/language/RecentChanges/DateFormat}}/>

to this:

<$macrocall $name="rtimeline" format={{$:/language/RecentChanges/DateFormat}}/>

Note: it’s considered bad form to name your custom macro tiddlers with a prefix of $:/core/macros/... as they are not actually part of the TWCore distribution. The tiddler title you use can be anything you like, such as $:/arunnbabu/macros/... The tiddler titles will not affect the names of the macro they contain.



Thank you @EricShulman
I tried to change all the timeline words in that macro tiddler. Thats why it didn’t worked.