Celebrating the new year coming - With and Inline list macro and more

Just though I would share a small macro I made for the common need of presenting an inline list of items, with commas and a period for the last item. list-inline macro.json (500 Bytes) I have added note for those new to TiddlyWiki to learn by example.

I though I would wish you all a Happy New year and thank you for your contributions and participation in 2022 but also make this a useful post at the same time. This community is one of the best, if not the best.

Just use the macro as follows
<<list-inline filter>>

For example tiddlywiki.com
<<list-inline "[tag[TableOfContents]]">>

Gives you

Here is the macro and it illustrates a few things;

\define list-inline(filter join:", " end:".")
<$let filter="""$filter$""">
<$list filter="[all[tiddlers]subfilter<filter>first[]] [all[tiddlers]subfilter<filter>butfirst[]addprefix[$join$]]"><$link to={{{ [<currentTiddler>removeprefix[$join$]else<currentTiddler>] }}}><<currentTiddler>></$link></$list>$end$</$let>
  • Making macros that accept a filter as a parameter, this is great because the parameter(s) can be one tiddler or a list of tiddlers in addition to the above filter.
<<list-inline "HelloThere">>
<<list-inline "HelloThere [[Customise TiddlyWiki]]">>
  • It shows using the first and butfirst operators and the subfilter operator
  • And how to set default parameters than can be over written.
    • <<list-inline [tag[TableOfContents]first[5]] "&nbsp;- " " ">>
    • Notice also the use of the nbsp a “non breaking space”
  • The filter could contain " or ' because internally it uses the triple quotes """
  • Finally this design tries to show how creating a macro for a general need with flexible design can possibly help make a reusable solution for the maximum people in many ways rather than being a “one off” solution.

Feel free to share a similar "gift with the community below or in your own thread. Please try and make it as flexible as possible but keeping it simple.

Happy New year


Here’s an alternative using the list-links macro + CSS:

.inline-list, .inline-list * {all:unset;}
.inline-list>:not(:last-of-type):after{content:", "}

<<list-links "HelloThere [[Customise TiddlyWiki]]" class:"inline-list">>.

I’m using a Javascript macro to do a similar thing! But I’m just turning a tiddler with # xxx list to a single line.

Interesting approach, thanks for sharing.