Case-insensitive parameter

Hello, I would like to be able to call a specific parameter in either (ideally) a case-insensitive way, or (failing that) with an alias.

In other words, <<param>>, <<Param>> or <<PARAM>> should call all call the same parameter.

How can I go about achieving this?

Widget and macro parameters are case sensitive. This behaviour can not be changed, without heavily modifying the core code. Parameter case sensitivity is by design.

Can you be more specific about your exact usecase?

I can’t as it’s work-related. Essentially, there is an internal system that my procedure refers to. It feels most natural to type it in different cases.
It’s better than my previous job where a particular system had 3 different names, and I would have wanted to alias it depending on which business unit I was speaking with.

So it’s not a real requirement, more of a nice-to-have for me.