Damn, I wrote a sample tiddler to demonstrate this, which would have shown that fact. I don’t know why I didn’t include it… nor where I put it!
Yeah! Found the “autoload” problem
It was because wikiURL was read from “text” field and it was reading “wikitext code” + a problem with “content-filter” read instead of “filter” value…
making tw5-plugins-sandbox 10 commits ahead
This makes a great upgrade to the TW template
Now it allows you to collect information freely. From your SectorTW and any other TiddlyWiki hosted on the Astroport distributed network. Thanks to “content addressing”, gives you a “Web3 ID”, a personal videophonic space, a G1 wallet, and almost unlimited storage.
For now “distributed” is not so true as only 3 nodes over 200.000 are running the Astroport “fat layer protocol” on their ipfs gateways. So recording and ipns publishing takes 3 minutes… This problem should disappear when we activate the second “private ipfs swarm” between our “boostrap nodes”… Admin “dragon team” is working on it… meanwhile…
Maybe @Springer (or anyone else) would like to register a TW at /ipns/email.domain.tld address and try BETA?