Can TiddlyWiki profit from the AT-Protocol

In January we discussed various p2p-protocolls for the serverless deployment of Tiddlywiki.

scuttlebut, hypercore, hyper-xxx, ipfs… and the DAT and AT protocol.

BlueSky, the company related to the AT-protocoll seems to be causing a hype - as possible alternative to Twitter. ( Jack Dorsey and XMPP-creator Jeremie Miller are in the companies board; Paul Frazee, the creator of the beaker-browser also started to work there. It was even fearured in our German News that our foreign minister just opened an account there.)

Could Tiddlywiki make use of the features of the protocol?

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What do you mean by: using features of the protocol?

Should TW use it as a backend to store tiddlers? Or do you want to use the TW to read and write posts?