Hello Guys!
$button (sintax and options)
<$action-sendmessage $message=“tm-save-wiki”/>
[[WRITE FORM|file:///D:/Users/criep/GoogleDrive/0a-BLACKBOARD/0-TIDDLYWiki/4a-write-note.lnk]]
Is there any way to combine the two options into a single $button command?
In the example I posted, it only executes one of the options: the link, or the tm-save-wiki. Putting them together, as I did, it just runs tm-save-wiki, but doesn’t trigger the link.
Can anyone suggest me a code example to be included inside a tiddler in version 5.3.0? Because this example I posted, it does not execute the two commands.
I need to update tiddlywiki’s .html completely before triggering the link. Because I’m going to extract information from the .html of the wiki, and that’s only possible if it’s up to date.
Thanks in advance for any help you can!
Thanks in advance everyone!