Bringing LogSeq content to TiddlyWiki - reviving streams

Dear all,

The Streams plugin [1] (and also RR-TW5 [2]) is a wonderful piece of work, though I admit I haven’t used it extensively yet. I’m a great fan of LogSeq [3, 4], which has a similar UI. What I miss in LogSeq is the flexibility of TiddlyWiki, both in terms of filtering and customizing output, as well as having everything in a single file.

To bridge this gap, I’ve started developing a LogSeq-to-TiddlyWiki converter that should be compatible with the Streams plugin. The conversion process is relatively straightforward since LogSeq offers JSON export. My goal is to work in LogSeq but use TiddlyWiki as a display to further organize and tidy up my work (for example, the task management in LogSeq is very limited and chaotic).

Features I have in mind:

  • Each block and page becomes a separate tiddler
  • Block IDs are used as tiddler titles, while pages are titled by name
  • Block IDs populate the parent and stream-list fields
  • Additional fields to simplify filtering (e.g., lq-ancestors listing all parent elements of a block)
  • Task keywords (TODO, DONE, …) extracted to a separate lq-task field
  • Tags extracted from the text
  • Page and block properties saved to corresponding fields
  • Some markdown markup converted to wikitext
  • The converter will be an R package, but porting to Python or similar languages should be simple if there’s interest

Note: This is intended as a READ-ONLY solution, as changes won’t be synced back to LogSeq.

[1] Streams — on TiddlyWiki 5.2.2
[3] Newest pre-alpha version:
[4] More stable version:

I’d be happy to elaborate on any part of this project or answer any questions. What are your thoughts on this approach?


Any progress to report? I’m interested in this.

Thnks for reminding me! The work was paused due to the new logseq DB version, which will change a lot of the underlying data. However, I’ve uploaded functional code that will convert json as exported from logseq into a json that can be imported to tiddlywiki/streams: GitHub - andjar/LogSeqR /


I am also a fan of LogSeq’s interface and modus operandi. Outstanding with Input but lacking in note retrieval and management. This is where TiddlyWiki shines.